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Main Forums => General Issues => Topic started by: Sunshine1 on Sep 13, 2006, 02:30:27 PM

Title: Melissa 3..........
Post by: Sunshine1 on Sep 13, 2006, 02:30:27 PM
Any news?  Did you try my covert operation tactics?  Update us!!!  :)
Title: Narcissim.....
Post by: melissa3 on Sep 14, 2006, 09:05:55 AM
No news really, we are at a stand still......

The hearing for the motions we filed (to keep bm from putting daugter in school in new state) was last week but the judge wouldnt see us because our case is STILL under advisement. Needless to say, we won anyway because BM put daughter in school here. I think she got scared when we filed those motions. If we didn't, I'm sure she'd would've moved by now.

I've done some research online and I've come to the conclusion that BM is a Narcsissist with Borderline Personality Disorder. She has all the traits of both disorders! I wish we could get her to undergo an evaluation but I think it's too late to bring that up now.

You can see she's a narcissist in the emails she writes. They are all about her and how she's suffering and she doesnt give a rats ass about anyone else. She only mentions their daughter a few times and when she does, she includes herself and puts herself first - "The move will be better for me and daughter", "Me and daughter have a great time going up there" "BF is really good to me and daughter."  Never once does she mention how the move will benefit just the daughter!!!

How can someone be so selfish?