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Messages - fbret

The situation sucks! We're both divorced. My ex slapped me with a TRO (that I did not fight not realizing the consequences).
My wife to be is trying to move to my county (20 miles away), in the process, relocating her kids. Her ex disagreed, so they started a custody evaluation.
Today, we find out:
- he signed a lease in the town his ex lives so that he can offer "continuity of education".
- he got all the public records on my situation and dropped them in the evaluator's laps...

How should we approach this situation?


California State Forum / Private school issue
Jun 08, 2009, 04:06:15 PM
Hi, I need help!

I've been divorced for a year. two poor kids in the middle. We have 50-50 joint custody. My kids have been going to a private french school for years and the MSA states that we will be equaly responsible for the cost of the private school. Being both french, it has been important to us that our kids keep that french education.

I enrolled the kids for next school year in march. Last month my ex demanded that we pull the kids out citing financial diffculties. I responded that 1) i did not believe she had financial difficulties, 2) that it was a little late now that I signed the contact & put the deposit down.
today i found out she school notified them last month...

What are my recourses? I told her if there was a real financial issue, I'd consider it, but she has refused to talk about her financial situation (I suspect she is pissed about something else and made that excuse up).

Should I hire a lawery or can I defend my rights alone?

