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Messages - Lena

My son was giving me a hard time last year.. consequently, right after I filed contemped papers in the courts for my exhusband being back on his child support.  I decided to let him live with his dad since September at this time his personality become very abusive toward me.  I have attained 2 therapists in helping me gain my relationship back with my son. Today, I was hit with legal papers that my ex would like to become the primary parent and revert the child support. 

I have been out of work for the past year likes millions of other people.  I have been in court before with this asshole and he down right lies to judges under oath.

I told my therapist he is a bad example for a father and I will not give up any of my primary rights.

I discovered a monitoring device on my computer too and I know my ex either put it on or instructed my boys to do it.  He had this behavior when we were living together.  I have no proof I have a police report to back it up, but the policeman said I had no proof.   I also have the bill from the guy who repaired my computer.

Maybe, in court I can ask the judge for a restraining order.  I will bring up all these items in court to show the judge this man is a controlfreak and wants total control of his son.

any advice I am a single parent, going to school trying to make ends meet and for

or the past 2 years this man has been a thorn in my side.