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Topics - MissDesire

Father's Issues / The R Factor
Dec 02, 2009, 03:22:07 PM
So my boyfriend and I are fairly new to this forum. My boyfriend you may know is Fatherforever, whom all you wonderful people have been giving advice, encouragement and necessary cautions to. And I am sure you have heard of his crazy ex and his two children, whom are stuck in the middle of this hellish battle. We are planning to file for child support and a motion of contempt at the beginning of 2010 for the complete lack of financial help she has given for the children. And our ultimate goal is for Fatherforever to file for sole custody later next year. All we wish to accomplish is to have a safe loving environment that these children can grow up in, and that is being destroyed by the continued actions of R.

Personally, I am new to this world of divorce, child custody and angry, unagreeable parents, but I have fallen in love with a man and this two beautiful boys, so I am in for the long haul! This topic is for idea, opinions and emotions that the following information may elicit.

About 6 months ago I began documenting all interactions that R had with Fatherforever and the children. They became known as incident reports. Since I have personal/emotional ties with the subject matter it is very hard at time to make an unbiased opinion or judgement about a situation. Many of you who read these interactions will find similiarities to problems in your own child custody issues. Please give us honest, unbiased opinions for the following reports. Thank you to all those whom have helped us, and to all those who read this. We will keep you posted as things unfold.


(The following is the standard outline I created for an incident report, they became more and more detailed as the 6 months have gone on!)


Date: 6/30/20   Time: 11:00am

Situation: I sent R a text message about paying some money towards bills and child care ($100), she refused.

Action: I reminded R of contributing half to bills signed in our divorce decree as well as her share (35.2%) in child care and education costs for the children.

Result: No answer.
My Fianceis looking to modify his child support order. He has 2 children (ages 3and 5) with his ex wife. At the time that the parenting plan was inplace the parenting time was close to 60/40 (with him having a bit morephysical time with them). Even when this part of the parenting plan wasinplace, she hardly every saw the children, nor picked them up for herscheduled time. They filled out Child Support Worksheet for WashingtonState with their divorce decree in which she would pay $445 a month,but they brought the balance to zero because she was supposedly tospend significant time with the children. Now that their oldest (5yearold) started kindergarten,  they are on the schoolschedule of the parenting plan. The school schedule is indefinite now.His ex wife hasthem every other weekend from Friday at 4:00pm to Sundayat 6:00pm, and every Wednesday from 4:00pm to Thursday morning at9:00am. That gives her a total of 8 overnights a month, half of whichshe refuses to pick them up for. She doesn't help out financially atall. She is also supposed to pay 35.2%of child care costs for day care,but refuses that as well. What would need to be done to change theorder so he canreceive child support? We were looking through theforms, but the Child Support Worksheet form has a designated spot forthe ex wife to sign atthe end, and we know that she will never sign it.And also, would he look at the forms marked "I'm the Custodial Parentwith a Child SupportOrder?" or the one"...without a Child SupportOrder"? This is all so overwhelming and he is getting upset, becauseshe won't help contribute financially he is barely making ends meet.Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
~Miss Des