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Messages - Hawkeye

>I will be there!

This was a false alarm, from some inadvertent weekend lack of full information. The guys in TX called the federal courthouse on Monday morning, and found out that this docket sheet entry only reflected the deadline for the State of Texas to answer the complaint.
There IS, however, a hearing scheduled for January, and so the TX people are working even still to organize busloads and vanloads to appear at this important hearing in January.
Torm Howse
President, Indiana Civil Rights Council
Texas coordinator: Mark Bitara:
Open your window and shout, "I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!" Seriously, spread the word...!!! Call, Email, SaddleUp, Carpool w/friends & families... to the  


United States District and Bankruptcy Clerk
5401 Bob Casey United States Courthouse
515 Rusk Ave
Houston, Tx 77002
Map and Directions

It is CRUCIAL that every single noncustodial Texan possible, even out of staters, ATTEND this hearing if you're anywhere in or near Houston ! ! ! <--contact info here for the Texas coordinator if you need more info.

This hearing will "determine" IF there are *enough* TX NCPs to make a Class. (DUH!) My understanding is all you have to do is polish up yer boots, slide on your string tie, dust off yer Stetson and be a WARM BODY! No testimony, no nuthin'! Just literally stand up and be counted. Now's your chance "rednecks";) and all, stand tall and POLITELY, look "Texas Justice" squarely in the eye!

Exact time, room, or floor to be determined. I'll post as soon as is sent to me. Please don't post a bunch of messages on this thread, other than to bump. Thanks!
 Center for Parental Responsibility (CPR)
General Monthly Meeting (FREE educational meeting/no charge)
Email: [email protected] (email best way to contact CPR)      CPR Voicemail box: 651/490-9277      
The CPR Vision Statement: A non-profit research, education, advocacy, and support organization dedicated to conserving family autonomy, encouraging responsibility, and preserving the constitutionally protected liberty interests of both parents to safeguard their children's welfare.

CPR Monthly General Public Meeting Notice
Sunday November 21, 2004 at 5:00 p.m. – 8 p.m.

GUEST SPEAKER: Mindy Mitnick, Custody Evaluator, presentation begins promptly at 5:30 p.m.

TOPIC: "How to Survive Your Custody Evaluation,
and ensure a positive result for your children."

·      Defining a custody evaluator: What is an evaluator/What to expect from your evaluator/Responsibility of an evaluator/Private vs County evaluator (pros and cons)
·      Requirements/Standards: what are the professional standards or rules of evidence for an evaluator
·      Objectivity: How does a custody evaluator ensure objectivity and not interpose their personal world beliefs /What are signs of bias
·      Supreme Court Parental Guide to Child Focused Visitation and Parenting Plan Decisions: adherence and limitations - review ahead of time:
·      Identification, impact, recovery of false allegations of abuse
·      Bonding: Overnights with both parents for young children – beliefs, premise, research
·      Deprivation: Move away's – how are they in the best interest of children – best arguments or research against move-away's, that a court will respect
·      Deprivation: Parental Alienation Syndrome
·      Joint physical custody: positive impact, limitations, challenges, schedules that work/don't work
·      Best interest of children: How does an evaluator arrive at a determination as to whether or not  a parent is focused on the best interest of your child(ren) ... what concrete thoughts does an evaluator have and what facts does an evaluator seek evidence for to determine the support of the 13 criteria
·      How does an evaluator sort through the he-said/she-said conflicts of a typical custody battle
·      How binding is a custody evaluators final report – legal process after the custody evaluation has been completed
·      Recommendations: Specific steps a parent can take to ensure they keep the best interest of their child top-of-mind ... what parents do that upset custody evaluators ... how to make the custody evaluators job easier
·      Why the double standard: when determining custody the first time, endangerment is not the standard, but when changing custody, the legal requirement is endangerment ...  CHIPS cases given a second chance
·      Importance of custody determination in the temporary hearing
·      Suggested Reading/References: Significant research and resources available
Speaker BIO: Mindy Mitnick is an evaluator, therapist, and parenting consultant. She is one of the most renowned custody evaluators in the state of Minnesota. She has earned the complete respect of judges and lawyers statewide, and is frequently called upon as an expert in the field. She is well recognized for her ability to sort through the most complex cases. Mindy is a Licensed Psychologist. She received a Master of Education from Harvard University. She has spoke to national organizations.

Meeting Date:
Sunday November 21, 2004 (third Sunday of every month)
Who is Invited: YOU!
Meetings are free; open to the public; anyone interested in understanding family law and family law reform is invited to attend; CPR promotes responsible parenting, and we focus on the unique needs and perspective of the non-custodial parent, as these parents try to remove the obstacles that prevent them from being equally involved in the lives of their children. Free-will offering accepted at the meeting to help defray expenses.

Please forward this information and bring others with you who are interested in family law reform.

Meeting Time:
4:30 p.m.                                doors open
4:30 – 5:15                            set up - networking – help yourself to the food table (add your treats)
5:15-5:30                                Meeting begins with welcome and announcements
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm                   PROGRAM – attendees, see website for Rules of Engagement,
Presentation: Honored guest speaker from 5:30-6/6:15pm
Q & A Period: from 6:15-7pm
7:00-7:15pm                  BREAK
7:15-8:00 pm                   JOINT PHYSICAL CUSTODY update and/or Title IV-D discussion regarding minimizing or eliminating the unnecessary government intrusion into private family matters ... how to get involved, legislative update, etc

Meeting Location: William Mitchell College of Law (875 Summit Ave.) in St Paul, MN 55105. Directions: Hwy 94 to Dale (just west of the downtown St. Paul exits). Take Dale, South to Summit. Take a right on Summit. Drive west on Summit to Victoria, take a right on Victoria. The William Mitchell building is on the NW corner of Victoria and Summit - lots of free parking available on the street. Parking lot reserved for students, but often available on Sunday nights. No charge for the William Mitchell parking lot or on the street. Use the entrance in the parking lot where you see the flagpole; you will then be directed to the auditorium meeting room #245. Don't hesitate, it's easy to find!

FREE POP, FOOD AND SNACKS ARE PROVIDED. Remember, what ever little food/candy item you can add to the food table is appreciated by all since we meet during the dinner hour.

If you are a non-custodial parent (mother or father) involved in a divorce or paternity action (child support, visitation, parenting time, child support), or if you are a second spouse, friend, family member, isolated grandparent, or associate who expect fair and equitable outcomes for parents and children; if you want to take responsibility and preserve the parent-child relationships, or if you simply want to get involved and make a difference in reforming Minnesota Family Law, please attend this meeting and learn how to navigate "the system" and join the organized team of equally concerned and dedicated citizens. REFORM WILL NOT OCCUR WITHOUT YOUR SUPPORT.

Bring someone with you!

We'll continue to talk about what needs to get done and discuss solutions. Please attend and get involved.
For the sake of our children's future we must stop alienating one parent to benefit the other.

Your input is always welcome! Your suggestions are appreciated!
Your willingness to take action and do something is needed!
CPR can help give you ideas of what can be done to make a difference! Attend the meetings to meet other people who have been through what you are going through  - they can provide you ideas to help you prevent mistakes and learn how to win your battle.

We are happy to provide you ongoing updates and reminders. We hope this is helpful to you.
If this information is not of interest to you, let us know if you want to be removed from this list.

(their well-being in the present and the future), and
because non-custodial parents are often prevented from being fully involved,
attend and find out what can be done to increase your influence as a parent,
no matter what stage of divorce/paternity case you are in.
Bring your questions to ask the EXPERT for advice!
Get answers to questions you have always wondered.
Great opportunity to ask an expert how YOU can impact change for the sake of your children.


Iowa State Forum / Cedar Rapids, Iowa Meeting!
Nov 20, 2006, 10:34:40 AM
If you are in or near Cedar Rapids, please try to attend our first local gathering of members of // It's Free!!!

November 30, 2006


711 Third Avenue SE
(the Give Me Liberty -Self-help Law Center)
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Please visit // It's obviously oriented towards Iowa Fathers, although all are welcome.

It's a very well laid out site, has FREE, downloadable legal forms, a chatroom, forums, etc... I consider it the SPARC of Iowa.

Especially, register for the forums and scroll down to the county by county District Court Judges section where you can post your comments about a judge or an attorney. They're starting to pay attention to us and are scared, so let's keep after them!

This just in...

March 17, 2005 - 5:30 p.m.
Bryan Iehl, the founder of, will be a guest speaker for The Family and Children's Council (Empowering Dads) at the KWWL Building, 500 E. 4th Street, Suite 414, Waterloo, IA  50703.  The topic will be "How to Represent Yourself Pro Se."

For informational purposes only:


[FONT COLOR=blue]711 Third Avenue SE
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403

Phone: (319)366-4765

Hours: 10AM - 6PM M-F Weekends by appointment

Are you sick and tired of paying exorbitant prices to lawyers?
Perhaps you can learn to do some of your legal issues yourself.
You can join an association that can help you learn how to do legal

You may be able to do your own bankruptcy.
You can learn how to do most legal work yourself.
As a member of our Association, you may use the association's law
library. Call and make an appointment.

Give Me Liberty has volunteers available to help you and are always
looking for more volunteers.[/FONT]
Iowa State Forum / Iowa websites - New!
Nov 29, 2004, 02:52:19 PM

//  primarily Waterloo (for now)

//  (children need both parents) Iowa/Illinois


// (Family & Children's Council) Weekly meetings in Waterloo.

Kitty C and I have posted alot of other info about Iowa's new joint physical care law on the Fathers Issues board here on SPARC as it is the most widely read. Here's a letter I rec'vd today from the Gov's office.

May 25, 2004

Dear *****:

    After much reflection and research as to what is best for Iowa children, I decided to sign House File 22, which establishes in Iowa law (Iowa Code Section 598.41, subsection 5) the presumption that children benefit when both parents remain positively involved in their lives after a divorce.

    This bill takes into consideration studies that have found that children tend to do better in school, feel better about themselves and remain more emotionally and physically healthy when both divorcing parents take a loving, nurturing role in their children's lives. Whether in divorced or intact families, children need a mother and a father. Each makes a substantial, though often differing but complementary contribution to the child's life.

    While the bill creates the presumption that joint physical care by both parents is to the benefit of the children, the bill does allow judges to deny requests for joint physical care if there are specific findings that joint physical care would not be in the best interests of a child. This would protect a child from a parent or home situation found to be physically or emotionally abusive or otherwise negligent or generally not in the best interest of a child.

    The bill also does not preclude divorcing parents from working out their own mutually agreeable, court approved parenting and living arrangements for their children. Every child in Iowa, whether in an intact or divorced family, is entitled whenever possible, to the love, the nurturing and the creative inspiration offered by two parents who share their responsibilities toward their children. House File 22 deserves a chance to succeed.

Thomas J. Vilsack, Governor                                                                      Sally J. Pederson, Lieutenant Governor