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Messages - alh

Wow, what a statement.  So, I am just curious how much you think is appropriate for an NCP to pay?  My husband was just ordered to pay 468$ a month for 2 kids, he made 15,000$ last year.

Maintaining the status of the household pre seperation is an outrageous idea for the government to impinge .  Divorce or a kid's parents splitting is going to cause big changes financially and emotionally.  That statement says money is more important to raising children than love and I have to say I disagree.  The high amounts of child support these NCP's are being forced to pay hinder them from providing the necessities for life, let alone providing a home for themselves to spend with their children and maintain a pre seperation situation.  

Beyond stripping these men and women of their dignity and shredding any will for them to move forward in life these people are stripped of any parental say so.  Their children come to know them as banks and/or totally miss the fact that their NCP is the one who really pays for their needs.  As a parent I should be able to say- No, you can't play that 3d sport or buy another new outfit because I don't have the money this week.  What does that teach kids? To be BRATS! Kids learn at an early age how all this works I've watched my sisters grow up in this situation and I am watching it happen in my step children.  Kids have to be taught that they can't have everything they want.  Even if you could do and buy everything your child wants would you?  That will teach them nothing.  I want our kids to learn the value of hardwork, dedication, and patience and appreciation for the blessings they do have.

What is child support supposed to pay for-the ex's new found singledom? It should not be considered for rent or utilities...both parents have to provide their own living arrangements, they would have to do so even if kids weren't involved.  A house has to be heated and the difference of the amount of electricity is neglible-if you allow your kids to watch that much TV to make your bill go up that is your own ignorance.  That said the NCP should help with clothing, groceries, medical expenses, lunch money, school supplies/fees, some child care-these are the necessities.  Leisure and extracurriculars should not be factored into this amount-the NCP should be able to use discretion and share in the joy of TREATING their own child.  Fun activities and that were rewards for helping out at home, doing well in school, and just to spend time and share with a parent-not requirements.  

I don't think my husband should have to work overtime just to pay his kids' mom more money.  With all that I listed I can not come up with where it takes 468$ a month to raise to kids.  MY mom raised 4 of us and I guarantee it did not take her an extra amount that large each month to properly provide for us 4.  We had everything we needed and some extras too.  A parent CP or NCP should not have to work two jobs so their kid can be in 4 different activites.   Why do the ncp's lose any discretion to spending their money on their kids?  

And the NCP is supposed to be sharing support-so exactly what is CP paying-stuff they'd have to pay for anyways.  So the government thinks it takes how much to raise a child?  It sounds to me a child from a divorced situation is making out financially like a bandit.

And you claim a NCP's other kids should not be factored into the picture?  Because in a sense it sounds like you think the NCP should be punished.  How many people consider whether or not to have kids based on money? If that was the case most of us would never have them-especially if they really cost 600$ a month!!  A man or woman deserves to move on after a divorce.  Do you really think that YOU should have that much control over your ex's life?

Do I think there aren't dead beat dad's out there? I know there are my father is one of them.  BUT-I think many dad's are forced to disappear b/c they can't pay their child support.

The sad part is these children being used as ammunition.  They are talked about like they are huge burdens.

"A child is entitled to be supported by both parents" To be a supportive parent you have to be able to support yourself and be on stable ground.  Why is such an excessive financial burden placed on one parent.

I have seen both sides of this and how it turns out. It is not in the best interest of the kids for things to be this unfair.