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Messages - imdaylene

Custody Issues / Re: going to court
Dec 04, 2008, 05:34:08 AM
Doesnt he have to apply for support for there to be back support?  So far he hasnt because he is unaware of the procedure.  When I go to the child support calculator it tells me that my income is not enough and bumps me up 200 to the states minimum.  Then it says I pay too much for insurance.  State max for insurance is 7%. I pay 295 and make 1157 a month.  Would be more but I drive school bus and have for 13 yrs and my income is averaged out over 12 months even though I only work 10.  I am trying to find full time employment but the economy sucks.
Oregon State Forum / going to court
Dec 03, 2008, 07:38:56 PM
We went to our final resolution hearing and since we cannot agree on child support the judge set a trial date for Jan 9th.  The child in question turns 18 on jan 10th.  Has dropped out of school and joined the National guard.  What do I need to do at court?  What is it that I do at trial?  My stbx asked and was told by the judge that she cannot give legal advice....
Custody Issues / Re: going to court
Dec 03, 2008, 07:13:37 PM
I have always provided the health insurance at a cost of 1/3 of my income.  I have no problem supporting my child and wish that he would stay in school but, he has chosen to drop out and is signed up with the National Guard.  According to the Oregon Child support calculator I #1 make less than the minimum wage and #2 pay too much for health insurance.  Our mediator informed him of this at the one and only mediation he didnt cancel.

I wish that my son would have left with me the day I moved out but he asked to remain in the family home and since he was at the time already 17 I didnt feel I wanted to cause more emotional drama by asking him to choose between us.  We talk on the phone and he comes over but doesnt want to stay the night because of the grief he gets when he goes home. 

When the judge set the date for "trial" on Jan 9th she commented that our son would be 18 the day after court and if he was not in school she did not see the point.  The state of Oregon requires child support for minor children and adult children attending school.  But:


How long does child support have to be paid?


In Oregon, a parent usually must pay child support until the child is eighteen years old. If the child is going to school or job training at least half time and maintains at least a 'C' average, the child support can continue to age 21. If the child is physically or mentally handicapped, child support may be extended indefinitely. Child support can end prior to age 18 if the child gets married, joins the military, or becomes legally emancipated.

Mostly I am freaking out because I am barely making it now.  No neither of us have an attorney.  In our divorce this is the only issue not settled and what we will have to go to court for.
Custody Issues / going to court
Dec 02, 2008, 08:32:22 PM
My soon to be ex will not sign the divorce papers and we went for what was supposed to be the final resolution hearing and instead because he wont sign since he thinks he should get some kind of child support for our only remaining child.  I supply the health insurance at $295 a month out of my $1150 a month income and he thinks he should be intitled to some cash even though our son will be 18  Jan 10th and has dropped out of school.  He is signed up with the national guard and they are helping him to get his diploma.  The judge set a court date for Jan 9th for a trial.  What does this mean and what do I need to do????