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Messages - camsdad30

I totally agree with you. I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. I don't want my fiance involved and neither does my fiance. My ex always calls my fiance and my fiance has told her not to call and to call me. My fiance and I use to share a phone thats how she got the number. Anyway going totally off subject. I am getting married on 4/25/2010 it lands on a sunday. Either way it lands on my visitation day and I usually get cameron until 5pm. Is there anyway to ask the judge for a special permission to have him for a little longer? I was thinking 8pm. My ex claims that she has no problem with cameron staying til 8pm but like I said I don't trust her at all and I rather have it legal. Is there anything I can do?

Oh I did talk to my ex today breifly I had to go to work and she told me I could pick up Cam tomorrow as scheduled. She told me he is still sick but she is going to try and work with me. Sounds like Bullsh*t but I'm glad I will be able to spend time with my son. She claims she doesn't want to go back to court for cams sake. When has that stopped her before from falsly acusing me and making my son testify. She just can't afford an attorney. Write later
Well aparantly my ex wife got my letter and she was mad. She called my fiance after I told her not to. My fiance is a peace maker she tries her best to see if she could talk to my ex and see if we could work anything out without having to go back to court. My ex and my fiance got into an argument about all this and my ex hung up on her. So anyway my ex wife called back like 20 minutes later and apologized to my fiance and according to her wants to work this out because she doesn't want me taking her back to court. So I'm going to see what she has to say tomorrow. I am still concerned about my sons well being and I am still going to save money for a lawyer. When my ex says she wants to work stuff out I don't believe her. I wonder what she has up her sleeve now.
Thankyou for helping me modify my post. I placed a call to the dcfs hotline and I'm hoping they will do something about it. Good idea about the doctor. Cams doctor is a family friend so my concern is that the doctor will side with her. Write back later when I know more
Got a call last night from the ex wife all of a sudden my son has pneumonia. She told me that she didn't think that he will be able to visit this weekend either sucks. I wanted to see him. My birthday is on monday too. Apparently I can't treat him because she is the custodial and he has to be in her care her excuse every time. They just gave him antibiotic and he doesn't even have a fever anymore.

I'm saving my money to get my lawyer involve concerning the possibility of munchauen. Insurance public aid has always paid for all his surgeries and no dcfs has never been involved regarding medical with her. I should call dcfs on her because she makes my son take prescription drugs from her parents because her back hurts. She found out my fiance had surgery and called my fiance to ask her if the doctor by any chance gave my fiance vicodin because she ran out. She is so crazy

I will revise my letter thanks.
I wanted to go back and edit my post to remove names but don't know how without removing the entire topic? Anyone know how
I do have rights to all medical except the decision making for surgery's. Thanks I actually am getting ready to send her a letter stating that I want to know before cameron has any kind of doctors appointment. If I choose to be present then that is my choice. The court order states that I have the right to be present for all medical treatment. If she doesn't then thats another thing that she can be found in contempt for. She'll probably go and cry to her dad and then I will probably get a phone call. I'm sending 3 letters total the denial of visitation, the letter to medical, and I was thinking of sending one to her about her family being involved but I wasn't sure if I should I will copy and paste it and I appreciate any feed back please read below and let me know what you think plz. It might sound immature
but I am constanly getting a phone calls from him or she will call my fiance.

My letter
To: Ex
Fr: Dad
Date: November 29, 2009
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
You are being informed in writing that all issues regarding Cameron is to be done between me, you, or our attorneys. I refuse to speak with your mother or your father unless it is an absolute emergency. Your father was very disrespectful to me and will not interfere with my visitation or my rights. Your fathers exact words were "to hell with your rights and the court order" I don't think the court system would agree. You also need to refrain from calling my fiancé .
Thank You,
My son from what I have been told barely has any tissue left in his ears and his hearing is awful he needs to wear hearing aids.

The decompression of the brain from what I was told was because he has craniosynstosis. I was told that it was a birth defect. I did go through testing to see if it was genetic on my part and it wasn't. Supposably the only thing that came up on her part was klippel feil syndrome. I don't know if any of this has to do with him being about 2 mths premature. When my ex wife went into labor she was in labor for 5 days due to the placenta started like seperating from the wall. The doctors had to use suction and forceps to get him out because he got stuck in her tail bone. According to my ex wife cameron has: Asthma, arnold chiari i malformation, bilateral hydronephrosis, kliipel-feil syndrome, craniosynostosis, hydromyelia, bilateral hearing loss, urine incontience, and spina bifida occulta, within the last 2 years has had a lot of anger and depresssion issues. He is on 3 medicines for depression at age 10.

I don't have joint legal custody. My attorney brought up munchausen's when my ex wouldn't produce medical records. After like 2 months of waiting she produced them but that was years ago.
My son has had heart surgery when he was a baby he had something very similar to a heart mur mur called an asd. He hasn't had any problems with that since. He's had tibia reconstruction, bilateral myringotomy placement (tubes in his ears) 8 times,  bladder issues, reconstruction of the skull, tethered cord release, posterterior fushion and anterior release (spine surgery), decompression of the brain, my ex is also is planning on doing cosmetic surgery because his ears stick out a little and she doesn't like it. If you looked at my son you wouldn't know that anything was wrong with him.
It was brought up a long time ago of her having munhausens by proxy by my attorney but it was never pursued.
My son has had a lot of medical conditions throughout the years. He's had a lot of surgerys. The lastest ones have been minor out patient ones for his tubes in his ears. The last one he had was a spinal fusion in 2006. I missed 5 months of visitation but of course something like that I have to understand because he couldn't be moved. When he gets sick it has nothing to do with his medical conditions. I have missed a lot of visitation. Most recent. I missed 2 days in Sept, I missed 3 weekends in a row in October, and now I'm missing this weekend.

Back in May I was notified by dcfs that I was being investigated and that I couldn't see my son. It was on his birthday that I was told this. Anyway the false allegations were thrown out (unfounded). My ex wife proceeded to get an order of protection on me AFTER she was told by dcfs that I could see my son. It was dismissed in August. At that point my attorney told me that I should file for a change of custody. Unfortuately I just had no more money. My attorney was almost in tears talking to me. She told me that she could just tell that my son was being coached. I missed 3 months with my son because she wants to falsely accuse me of child abuse for the third time. Sometimes I just want to give up. It hurts me you know. I just want this nightmare to be over. I have even considered giving up my parental rights and saying you know what I can wait til he's 18 if he wants to come find me. Don't know what do anymore
Well Gemini
I got a phone call from my ex today at 1:30pm and she told me that my son was sick. I tried to talk to her I was very civil. I told her thanks for letting me know but I can handle him being sick and that I don't mind giving him his meds and that I would be there to pick him up at my scheduled time. She started saying that "I need to think about Camerons best interest and not think about myself." I tod her that she keeps him home every time he sick and I have just equal rights as she does to care for him while he was sick. She got upset and handed the phone to her dad. I tried to tell her dad about my rights to care for Cam and he said to me " to hell with your rights" and told me to take her to court. I shouldn't have even bothered talking to them.  Thats what I was doing talking while they were yelling and screaming. I showed up anyway they didn't answer the door and then I went to the Bolingbrook police station, they logged it in their system, and gave me a peice of paper with the complaint number. Tomorrow I will be sending out the denial of visitation letter via certified mail. Am I going to look like a total jerk going to court over this? I was reading the article on visitation being denied due to illness was that written by an attorney or is it a law that both parents can treat a child when their sick? She keeps saying that if I take her to court that she will say that I'm endangering his health more? Do you think that I may be able to win this alone without an attorney? Is there anything I can do about her dad always interfering legally? Thankyou for your advice and help.
P.S. Gemini3 just wondering are you an attorney because you give a lot of good advice.
Sorry my computer broke and I haven't been on in a long time. There is nothing in the visitation agreement that says that I dont get parenting time when he is sick. I'm just so irritated. Today is thanksgiving and i'm suppose to pick up my son tomorrow and my ex called and left a message with my fiance. My son is sick and has a fever of 99.0 and she will call me tomorrrow but doesn't think that we can do visitation. Its any little thing. Then if I tell her no I'm still going to pick him up she has her dad call me. Her parents are always calling saying if I want to pick up my son "I'm putting him in danger".