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Messages - leon

Under the 1935 social secuity act congress created the welfare states and public rights outside of the constitution under social security. Later on the revisation of child support came with URESA and UFSA.etc.. all under title IV-D of the social security act. The stipulations put upon the states by congress to be elligable for federal monies was that they had to have state plans and enter into cooperative agrreements (contracts) with the courts and other entities of the state to receive federal financial participation and encentives, kickbacks. The people have been led on a ruse beleiving it is all for the benefit of the child"ren" however under the state plan"s" you will find out who realy benfits from the support and why the states pursue it so hard. what people need to do is file a FOIA for the state plan in that state and a FOIA for the list of cooperative agreements as required under title 45 of the code of federal regulations.