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Messages - superdad01

Father's Issues / RE: Problem with my attorney
Apr 17, 2007, 06:21:18 PM
Yea I understand what your saying about my persistance but I got a feeling I would've been waiting on that report for another 6 months. Honestly the way things have went throughout this ordeal I expected to lose. So I can't honestly be dissapointed. This court just bends over backwards for this woman. I don't understand it.

I left a letter for my atorney in her mail box on her door Monday. No call back as of yet.

I schedule I have is one that I negotiated. I got whatever I wanted just not full joint physical custody. Baiscally I have our child whenever I was not at work.

The part I don't understand is with the new recomendation it says I can have weekly parenting time in the summer. Well I will still be working and the child will still have to get up early or whatnot while I am working. So what is the difference between that and now? Sounds like BS to me...

Mother also claims I only want overnights to lower my childsupport. Does anyone know how I can effectively counter this statement?

My feeling was to get this situation done and over with now and avoid going back to court when she is working in 6 months. Her mom will be having the same early type schedule that I have now. I also know that mom will be a reg nurse and be earning much more than I do now.

When I brought up the alleged violence between parties I wanted to use that as an additional reason why the overnights would be a good idea. We would no longer have that daily contact and their would be no reason to make false allegations against either party.

Thanks for all the advice.
Father's Issues / RE: Problem with my attorney
Apr 14, 2007, 02:27:57 PM
I was on the phone with the foc weekly trying to get this chick to do her job in a timely manner.

Yea I understand what you are saying. I know to make the child needs first.

I am looking at her recomendation and I don't see any mention of filing an objection in 21 days or nothing up that nature.

yes my previous attorney represented me. I dident feel like she was assertive at all. I also feel like all she really tried to do was get through my retainer as soon as possible. Looking at it now I feel she had enough experience to know that we was not gonna come to an agreement before we went to court. But still I spent countless hours talking to a wall so to speak..... lol

Now what I did was negotiate to have my daughter as much as possible throughout the day. I was working 3rd at the time. That was the only thing she would agree to.
I had my daughter
Week 1: mon 4-8 tues 11-8 wed offday thurs 4-8 fri - sun 6pm
Week 2: mon 4-8 tues 11-5 wed 4-8 thurs - sun offweekend.

Mother is in school to be a nurse and should be working by summer so she says.  her previous job many years ago she made more than minimum wage. minimum wage has went from $5.50 - $7+ in MI. I make like $1.50 more than I did a year ago and my CS goes up $40 bux a month.

I found an article on here from that has a case where the man got a substansial raise but the court did not raise his childsupport .

One of the issues I want to bring up is that one day she claimed I tried to run her over with my truck etc... and by giving me overnights we can eliminate that potential situation or accusations from happening.  She claims I am late daily... ( I keep a log as well as have witnesses)
Father's Issues / RE: Problem with my attorney
Apr 12, 2007, 01:04:26 PM
Well I thought I could avoid typing it all out but here goes...

Mom has sole custody and i have secondary physical custody.

I filed motion for increase in parenting time / custody back in Nov of last year. The first court date was postponed due to my attoeneys personal matter. Our second courtdate lasted 20 minutes and we was reffered to the FOC for a recomendation. That was in Janury. both parties had a meeting with her and we have been waiting on the recomendation for 3 months.

My change or circumstance was do to me changing shifts at work so I am avaible for parenting time with my daughter. I currently have Secondary physical custody ( which is a fancy term for nothing. )
I have parenting time with my daughter 10 - 14 days. Just not the overnights because at the time of the previous order I was working 3rd shift. I have been shortchanged on my parenting time 40 hrs a month since last august when I started on 1st shift again.

I am proposing a new schedule of 4 days on 3 days off and swithing it for 3 days on 4 days off the following week. i feel the child would benefit more by spending more time with each parent in their respectibe household than going back and forth on a daily basis. Same city and school district. but it takes an extra hour in my day going back  and forth picking her up and dropping her off daily.

Finally got the recomendation back last week and of course it did not give me what i wanted. The parenting time lady got a few things incorrect in the review such as Shift times and other things.

She said that i have lost valuable parenting time with daughter but it did not warrent changing custody to include overnights etc. She did say that in the summer time we could go week on week off. She also mentioned that I would not be avaible to get the child off to school in the morning.

Mom has been unemployed for the last 3 years +
The real kicker is she adjusted my child support to go up $40 a month.
I currently pay $500 a month and I got my child every 10 our of 14 days day.

Now I would assume that we need to be in court again to either impliment the new order or request a objection to the parenting time determination. Odviously I am not agreeing with what the parenting time lady said...

I don't feel like I am being a diffuclt client... All I expect is a phone call back within a week or a week and a half to tell me where we go from here. if I wait to long do I lose my right to appeal?  Is she dead? what's going on? ... I don't know because I can't get a phone call. My previous attoney i never had a problem with getting a phone call back.
Father's Issues / RE: Problem with my attorney
Apr 11, 2007, 12:26:21 PM
Well it's more than that. first and foremost I got the recomendation back that I was waiting on and now I need to file an appeal or whatever I gotta do to get back into court. I know their is a time limit on these things so I would like to get it taken care of.
Father's Issues / Problem with my attorney
Apr 10, 2007, 01:40:16 PM
Ok I hired an attorney last year. 1500 retainer fee. we negotiated 500 down and 100 per month until paid up. after our innitial consult Our first court date was postponed by her due to her mothers car accident that morning, which I understood things happen. Our second court date we was there 20 minutes and was refered to the foc for recomendation. The parenting time lady has taken 4 months to make her decision meanwhile I have been paying. The problem is now the attorney is not returning my calls. I called a week ago and left a message now that I have report. No return call. i have left message with her secetary... no return call.

 I understand people are busy etc. but I think it is a little extreme to not have a call back within 1 week.

From all accounts I hear she is very good in court. Should I fire her and  demand the balance returned. because there is no way I have used up what I have paid her already.