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Messages - txmom702

Visitation Issues / Re: Late Return
Jul 27, 2011, 11:38:52 AM
Are the times they normally drop off or pick up during the day, when it is light outside?
Sometimes in the dark, things look completely different, and it can get confusing easily...  Especially for older people.
Just a thought.
I remember you. I can see why things might not be going as well as you would like. Honestly - taking it to the point of doing things like taking pictures of mom's trash, etc. makes you sound a bit like a stalker... 
General Issues / Re: Looking for advise
Mar 02, 2011, 07:25:11 AM
You've gotten some really good advice here.
To add to that, though, during that time, before you have a court order for visitation, Stay The Heck Away From Him.  Do not contact him at all, ignore anything he does to try to contact you.  Don't worry that you are keeping the baby away from him - he's obviously given you reason to fear letting him visit without a court order.  Keep good records & try to get as much proof as you can that you have reason to fear him...
Child Support Issues / Re: Are braces elective?
Feb 22, 2011, 12:24:02 PM
Quote from: Kitty C. on Feb 18, 2011, 02:16:41 PM
I know that many think that braces are mostly cosmetic, but since working in a dental college, I've come to learn just how important it is to have teeth aligned properly, because it can severely affect the way you eat.  If teeth are not 'meshing' together the way they are supposed to, it can cause all kinds of problems down the road.

I can SO vouch for that!  My teeth weren't 'that bad' so my parents decided braces for me were just cosmetic.  I can't tell you how painful it is now - they've moved a lot more as I've gotten older and I get constant headaches & jaw pain because my teeth are crooked...
Y'all - it's SONIC...  Fast food places, and places like it, in a lot of places, are notorious for being hard-a$$e$ when it comes to things like that...    They don't need a reason

I love how anonymous people on a message board insist they know so much more than the actual people involved in the actual situation.  It's right up there with giving medical opinions and parenting opinions for kids they don't even know....  (sorry for the rant - been seeing too much judgment and too many persona opinions on not just this board but other ones as well)
Quote from: tigger on Jan 11, 2010, 12:05:50 PM
Quote from: txmom702 on Jan 11, 2010, 10:28:06 AM
Mom's time - mom's rules...  Just like your house/your rules...  In other words, NO, you cannot dictate what happens on mom's time...  It's just not your business. 

I diagree.  This is a safety issue.  If they bought the gun thinking it was no different than a water gun then it is his business because the child hasn't been taught properly how to use it.  I got shot by a bb gun when I was young.  And the kid knew better but thought it would be funny to shoot me in the rear.  He missed his target and got me in the leg.  Even at the distance he was, I was left with a bruise and welt.  Can you imagine the damage that could be done if he shot a child at close range in the temple or the eye?  A BB gun for a child that age is only a good idea if the parent or grandparent is using it as a teaching tool and it's not available for random use or play.  Even at 15 my son uses his BB gun only when his grandfather is aware that he's doing so.  (It's kept at my exFIL's) 

Still doesn't matter.   Mom can let child watch rated R movies, play rated "M" video games, and eat junk food all day long if she wants; or let him run around the neighborhood by himself, or ride his bike in the street.  Unfortunately, people are allowed to be crappy parents. Legally, dad is not allowed to dictate what goes on during mom's time.  Just like Mom can't dictate what goes on during his time.  What he can do is teach child, on his time, how to use and respect firearms.  That's about it.
Mom's time - mom's rules...  Just like your house/your rules...  In other words, NO, you cannot dictate what happens on mom's time...  It's just not your business. 
Visitation Issues / Re: SMoking during pregnancy
Dec 30, 2009, 01:41:18 PM
If mother is a moderate to heavy smoker, doctors will recommend that they not try to quit smoking. Cut down, yes, but not quit. The stress of quitting can be far worse on the baby than smoking...