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Messages - Windd

Dear Socrateaser / Evaluations
Dec 02, 2003, 10:16:05 AM
Socrates ,
Court appointed attorney for kids. Kids attorney chose evaluator. How likely will the judge go with the recommendations of the evaluator as neither side really chose this evaluator. If one party does not like the evaluation can they get their own? Again how likely is the judge to agree to it as it will just drag out the process and the initial evaluator is neutral as she was chosen by the kids appointed attorney.

What can be done to stop the dragging out of the process by requesting another evaluation?
I have been reading the post but unable to promptly reply as I am not at a public or my own computer.

I realize there are many views on this subject. I would never keep the child from mom as was likewise done to me along with the whole PAS thing. I feel the child should be taught how to deal with this. As I told my daughter, if it happen as midnight while you are with me I want to be prepared. My desire is that her mom has prepared her in case it does happen at night.

There are other females around, aunts, nieces, neighbors, friends, but her mom would be my FIRST choice. I would not mind it her going for the night but anything longer than that I just think is an excuse.  The child does see her mom much more that the standard every other weekend anyway.

Yes there are power struggles and always an ulterior motive. I have had two unfounded CPS reports alleging cuts, bruises, oral injuries and then not any of the found on the child the next day. The child has been told they do not have to do anything I say as I am trying to control them, instructed to keep a journal of anything (only)negative I do, told to lie, steal. I cannot get into the myriad of other issues.
I have been reading the post but unable to promptly reply as I am not at a public or my own computer.

I realize there are many views on this subject. I would never keep the child from mom as was likewise done to me along with the whole PAS thing. I feel the child should be taught how to deal with this. As I told my daughter, if it happen as midnight while you are with me I want to be prepared. My desire is that her mom has prepared her in case it does happen at night.

There are other females around, aunts, nieces, neighbors, friends, but her mom would be my FIRST choice. I would not mind it her going for the night but anything longer than that I just think is an excuse.  The child does see her mom much more that the standard every other weekend anyway.

Yes there are power struggles and always an ulterior motive. I have had two unfounded CPS reports alleging cuts, bruises, oral injuries and then not any of the found on the child the next day. The child has been told they do not have to do anything I say as I am trying to control them, instructed to keep a journal of anything (only)negative I do, told to lie, steal. I cannot get into the myriad of other issues.
I would agree that if the parent is there then it appears to be a control issue on your part.

However if the parent is not there and is supposed to be there I more than likely would not let them go, especially if there is a right of first refusal clause. How would you know if the other parent is away for a couple days or half the day and has just not told you. Yes the parent could show up get the child and then leave child with relative.

Just my opinion
Visitation Issues / RE: sick toddler
Mar 24, 2006, 05:57:32 AM
Father's can take care of sick children also. There are male and female doctors.

I think the father should be allowed to have his time if he wants it.

If the child got sick while with the father shoulld he then stay with the father until he got better? According to your argument he should not be moved if he is sick.

Father's Issues / RE: Sanctions
Mar 11, 2008, 11:17:08 AM
Thanks for the response. At this point getting the money toghether for an attorney is not possible. I just want peace for the kids.

It's much easier for a female to file a report with DCFS or OOP than a male but I definitly agree their should be some stiff repercusions for filing of unfounded reports and to harass someone.
Father's Issues / Sanctions
Mar 04, 2008, 11:44:30 AM
Mom has filed or caused to be filed a Children and Family Services report every year since 10/2005. All were deemed unfounded. Mom also filed bogus order of protection which was tossed.

What type of sanctions can I petition for?

Also currently in contempt and was previously found in contempt
Father's Issues / RE: Update
Aug 15, 2007, 10:33:56 AM
If there is a right of first refusal in your order she would have them while you are in school, effectively having them every weekend and limiting the time the chlid gets to spend with you.
Father's Issues / RE: Correct Filing
May 23, 2007, 10:56:05 AM
The mom used to be considered the custodial parent. There were some issue going on so I took it back to court. The kids atty had evaluation done and the evaluator recommended sole custody to me (dad) but the judge ordered the change but kept at joint.

We have been back several times in the past year and 1/2. NCP was ordered not to pull kids from school and the schools were ordered not to release to her. The NCP is a true narsacist. We had a status recently and the sheriff, reporter, and atty checking in were looking at her like she was from another planet.  She is working but only 20hrs a week per her with no set schedule.

I did find out that she got on public assistance and indicated the kids lived with her. She stopped working to to redue her support onligation but supplements it with public assisitance.  I asked my atty to bring it up in coourt but she stated the judge will do nothing with it unless it is a trial and thereby affecting her credibility. I am like bring it up anyway becasue this is about credibility. I did contact the plublic assistance office and faxed them over the oders stating they live with me.

My atty stated this was the most frstraing case she has ever worked and the NCP just ingnores the courts orders. I do not feel my atty has pushed enough and I feel I am being gouged while the NCP is pro se.
Father's Issues / RE: Correct Filing
May 23, 2007, 09:58:10 AM
No stipulation other than orders need to be followed. No threat of implication of sentencing or fines. Here we are six months later and still the same issues. NCP behavior as gotten worse. Order to seek job at every status since October. When status are set the NCP needs to check their scheduel to see if they are available, they have no job so why do they need to check their schedule.

The ages are 12 and 8 and have been in my custody 2yrs