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Messages - tantalus33

Oh, Mixed Bag, yes Jurisdiction is Ark. I have found employment in Fla for the past three years.
Dear Ocean and Mixed Bag, again I thank you for your time to reply and reply in detail. I also understand how easy it would be for you to climb atop the seat of the scornful and judge me indiscriminately for a decision where most say they'd never or will ever entertain the idea. The act of waiving the white flag of defeat and surrendering the battle lost, walking the walk of shame and signing to the terms of defeat. I was once one of these people who said those very words time and time again. Funny how time will wear on you.
I will file a Modification of Child Support in hopes a court date will be set. If my daughter's name has not been legally changed and this was a poor attempt to debase me further I will take the Notary and the entire lot of them before the Ethics Commission. Thanks again for showing your attention in this most critical matter I face! awg
 Though I may receive suggestions and ideas for my legal strategy in this forum, I fully understand it is not legal advice and I will not allow it to be taken as such. This statement I believe to be true and shall have no time constraints nor shall it be retracted or prohibited by myself from past or future topics and discussions within the confines of this forum. Signed: Tantalus33

Mixed Bag, thank you for your reply. The petitions are in the clerks office not the judges office as of yet. Which includes the petitioners (x wife and husband) Petition for Adoption , my daughter's Consent to Adoption and Entry of Appearance..her name was on the petitions as the last name of the petitioner and notarized can they do that without a order of decree yet? So I'm assuming it's not a done deal yet since the files are still in the clerks office and not the judges office.  A Decree has not been filed as of this day.  Don't I have a right of say in this matter? Or am I just going to be disregarded and tossed aside as I have been for the last three years. Ive been treated not only by my X and daughter but also by the law as some perverted, deviant whom feeds on less fortunate creatures in the night. Yet I remain.  I have NO misdemeanors , NO felonies, NO allegations or history of complaints regarding any unnatural or misguided behavior. I only tried to love my child and I still do and always will regardless of her state of mind.   If I were to file a motion for hearing in Probate Court would I write this hoping it would serve as a quicker method for receiving a court date? Doesnt it have to go to court anyways? WHat purpose would it serve besides the obvious? thanks T33

`14 years of mind control from my x. Utter and complete disregard for Codes of Civil Procedure. My x has many lawyers. I work full time, live in Fl and my x and 14 yr old daughter live in Ark  My x slowly and with much fortitude slowly turned my child against me to convince willingness and the pursuit of adoption. Fine! For the  first year my x cut all comm via phone, letter, social media I stood my ground, writing, sending gifts, replies. I drove down on MY visitation Christmas 2014 to see my daughter. Got there and she refused visitation! The second year i got worn down, little to no contact. Third year I'm done. Let her get adopted. I love her and forgive her but I cant do this anymore. 14 years of court battles.
I cant write enough to explainl the evil. Bottom line is I was served a summons on May 17 2016 for Petition for Adoption filed Jan 7 2016 from the x and her husband of 8 years. A consent from my daughter included a signature with her future last name not MY name! A poke? Dunno cause I have no representation and no friend or acquaintance will even discuss such because everyone is afraid of getting sued! OMG! Every bend i come around is some roadblock. The Petition for Adoption required a reply via answer or motion within 30 days. I filed a motion for a more definite answer based on "I cannot agree that the petitioners are married since no certified copy of a marriage certificate was enclosed. There was no statement mentioning how I may be granted relief from Child Support or attaching me to the Ark Child Enfocement Office. Motion recieved May 17. Filed 20th. The required time to reply (10 days) has since gone. I called the clerk, she said probate documents are sealed by law and no one but the attorneys could have access. I said I was pro se. She said id have to call the petitioners attorney. I did four x . They did nor respond . I even called the Judge of that district and was told the same thing that the law states no one has access to the files. OMG! Im the freaking father and attorney!! No help , no answers. Just screwed up laws which has burned me down, liberty has not been even within reach of me , I have been raped and beat by laws which were suppose to protect the innocent and the poor, i work so no im not indigent. Done tried that route for help. None, 14 bucks a hour in a metro area is too much money.
If the records are sealed has my child been taken from me and I still pay child support with no child no visitation? Arkansas can do anything and has done such atrocities to me no one here would even believe it. False documentataion, no documentation, destruction of documentation. I have so much proof but cant even get a hearing to state my case against ark ocse and be heard. I'm done men, I'm done!
Good idea Ocean. I will investigate all avenues associated with online filing. The problem rests in Little Rock Registry of Records. The petition which has caused all this havoc is there and since the order stated that all payments hence forth from 2008 should go thru Ark OCSE, my first payment was given to the custodial parent in form of a Cashiers Check. My blooming moronic fault. That was half a dozen petitions back. Regardless, just because my payment isnt in their registry doesnt mean it never happened. Its this the state cannot and will not understand or accept. If they'd just spend two minutes on this and open their eyes it would be quite clear. Thank you again Ocean Ill get on it now.
Hi MB, I'm just done. All my X has to do is cooperate with me and tell the state she received my payment in 08' along with the proof. But since she hasn't allowed me to even talk to my daughter in over a year, blocked me from facebook, changed my daughter's number. Turned my child against me, whats the point. I'm sick of being treated like a monster. I lost my job in Ark, moved back to florida to start a new life for my daughter. I counselled my child , talked to her explained to her what I had to do to provide enough income to survive and she was happy for me and excited that she'd have a place here in fla near disney world to visit. The day I moved was the last time I was able to see or talk to her. I have no child now , have no connection and I feel lost without her.  Yes, I will contact the office directly Monday, and hear a verbal explanation. I hate confrontation and my emotions gets in the way of my thought process but I'll try. Left handed thing.
Ocean, thank you for your reply. Just opened a letter from Little Rock, a reply from my Administrative Hearing which I enclosed a copy of the Cashiers Check for the amount I was ordered to pay in 2008. I also enclosed a copy of the petition/order which stated the amount I would pay before August 2008. Everything plain as freaking day! The State's response: after reviewing your case we see that you owe 2,426.00." They didnt even comment on the copy of the check i sent nor a copy of the petition filed against me in 2008. Both of which clearly shows my innocence.  The amount didnt even reflect the attorney fees from my ex, bringing the judgement to 3,163.00 I paid her 3, 460.00. So, they couldn't even get that right. Yet a day before the state mailed the letter I get a email from my local office saying they'd credited my account for 3,460.00!!! A week has passed and no records showing the credit. WTF!
The only thing I can do is take off work fly to Arkansas, pay my attorney and take the state to court. What a waste of time and money I dont have to prove I'm innocent! Can I sue the state for my attorney fees? Why after all these years has the state all of a sudden said I havn't paid this? The court ordered me to pay by august 2008 and I paid it in full in May 2008! God help me keep my sanity.
After reviewing the Ark State Child Enforcement Manual, the Request for Administrative Hearing, I see it's not applicable for amounts disputed with support. So Im going to have to request Administrative Review. This may explain the states no response to my Hearing request. Regardless, I did receive a email from my case worker that she credited my account for the amount from 2008' they said I never paid..$3,460.00. However there is no credit on my payment history and the amounts remain unchanged. The tax refund offset remains in place for an additional 4000.00 over and above the amount in error.
I cant even retrieve but 6 months of my recent payment history and even those months are all jacked up. Therefore Im seeking correct protocol to request all my court orders and payment history from the state and federal registry. Does anyone know how to go about this? This is absolutely the most jacked up, moronic case of record interpretation and communication from the state that I have ever in my life experienced. I feel helpless with no means of vindicating myself. If I had the money I'd take this to the highest court in the land.

I got behind in 2013 after losing my job of 12 years in Ark. I got behind for 10 months on my CS, my Unemployment checks helped pay for my CS during this time. I found a job in Fl thereafter and I was able to continue my career and resume CS payments. I was behind about 2,200.00. The Ark OCSE website indicated such.

Then on Oct 11, 2014 I logged onto the OCSE website and it said it was going thru "updating" each day during the hours of "I dont recall".  The next day I logged onto my OCSE account they had deleted all my data and replaced it with the amount owed immediately was 38,000.00. The next day it changed to 35,000.00 and with my reply of WTF?! It settled down to an amount I agreed to 2200.00. However a few weeks later i get a summons from my ex suing me for over 4000.00. I couldnt understand where she was getting the other 2000.00 from. She wouldnt tell me. So after requesting all the years Ive paid into OCSE history statements. I saw the problem. In 2008 I got behind 2400.00 on CS, I was ordered to pay 400.00 a month a 63.00 increase until the amount was paid in full no later than August 8, 2008, 9 months later. I borrowed the money and wrote her a Cashiers Check in full before the Contempt hearing.
Guess where the other 2000.00 is coming from according to OCSE? August 2008! Seriously!!! How can such a critical org be so careless and haphazardly with documentation? They havn't even gotten the correct monthly amount I'm supposed to be paying right. Out of the 8 or 9 petitions filed against me from my ex and all the adjustments ordered it appears OCSE has just picked and pieced together an amount here and an amount there, not fully reading the entire puzzle. Now, I have to contact my financial institution and have them pull documentation from 2008, the cashiers check. Of which i have the number and date, and did have a copy of it somewhere. I'm still looking.  Has anyone else expereinced such gross negligence from a org handling CS?