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Messages - Otto Mann

Saw my kids today and one of them mentioned that mom was talking about the notice she received letting her know there was a certified letter at the post office from me. She said she WAS NOT going to go pick it up. Pretty much confirmed what I already knew........I doubt seriously that I would ever do this but how about I knock on her door and hand the papers to her myself ?
>You did it right. Just bring the receipt from the post
>office. On the receipt it will have a number... Enter the
>number at and it will tell you if it was delivered.
>You can print that page. The receipt takes time to get back to
>you from the PO. Next time send it "green"
>signature...This shows it was delivered right to the mailbox.
>The mailman scans it when he delivers it.<

I need to find out how much notice is required  Hearing is on the 15th. If only say 1 week is required I will go ahead and send another that way......with the green delivery confirmation (no signature required). I received the signed receipt back from the court this past Tuesday. I mailed the motion to the court and to the ex at the same time. I suppose she thinks if she ignores it I will forget about it and just keep paying for our emancipated child.....I thought we were past these childish games..........

>DId you sent it certified? Look up the number on-line and see
>where it is. You should get that back from the PO no matter
>what. It would say "did not pick up" or "refused".
>Are you sure you need a signature? Here for child support I
>did not have to serve him with a signature just regular mail.
>(visitation is different).
>Good luck!

I did send it certified. I went to the courthouse and picked up an "example" of a motion that they have for people "pro se". At the bottom of this example  there is a section titled, "Certificate of Mailing" which states, "I hereby certify that a true and accurate copy of the foregoing was mailed, postage prepaid, on this ___ day of _______, 2007, to _______________, at ______________.

I believe I have met my obligation but I have a feeling the court would say no. I will call them on Monday and ask THEM if what I did was sufficient and see what they say.
Yeah, I should know better by now. I will call the court on Monday and see what they say. They do charge a fee for sending a sheriff but I believe it's $15. So what if I were to show up in court in 2 weeks and she didn't show up. I suppose they wouldn't do anything because I would be unable to prove she was served??
What does the court do about people that "IGNORE" court papers? I sent a copy of the papers to the ex about child support hearing by certified mail. I SHOULD have received the return receipt by now. I have a feeling I won't ever see it because she KNOWS what it is and won't sign for it. The hearing is in 2 weeks. Should I notify the court and see if they can send a sheriff to her door?
This is disability from her employer which is 100% funded by the employEES therefor it's not taxable. I just wanted to make sure she can't walk into court claiming she's not working and has NO income. I should probably start a new topic but I'll go ahead and ask another question. I mailed the motion for reduction in support to the court and her by certified mail. What happens if she refuses to sign for it? I received the return receipt back for the court 2 days ago but haven't received the one from her. I'm thinking I won't.....
Hello, I have a court hearing in 2 weeks to recalculate child support. Within the last month my ex-spouse started receiving long term disability from her employer which does not have to be reported to the IRS as income. As far as child support is this considered INCOME?

If "the ex" isn't following the court ordered parenting plan, file contempt of court charges.

Are you suggesting this based on your experience at successfully filing a contempt charge for not following a court order for visitation?
Thanx for the response. So WHO is responsible for writing up a court order (no attorneys involved)?
Child Support Issues / Recalculation of support
May 06, 2007, 02:40:24 PM
Hello - in state of Virginia. I have had support recalculated several times previously. Each time we were in court for other reasons AND I had an attorney and the number crunching was done out of court and written into the new court order. This time it's only to recalculate support and I have no attorney. Do I have to do anything other than file for the recalculation? I'm wondering what the procedure is. Do I appear at court with financial documentation....submit it to the judge....and the judge does the calculating?