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Messages - Bolivar

And The Truth Continues...

There is an opportunity for the Truth To Be Told To Mllions.

[FONT SIZE=+2]Krights' recent report "Illegal and Immoral"  has been chosen for a public vote by Current-TV  to appear on their Television Network. [/FONT]

Krights is asking for your Vote to "Greenlight",  this submission.

We need your vote!

*You must register to vote but it is a very simple and painless process.

We are stunned, and ask you to help Push The Truth Through. Krights is simply the messenger, you are the suffered!

Use this link to view and vote.

Current TV - View To Vote Link!!!
 [A HREF=]

From Krights Thank You - Where The Truth Continues...
It's time to Attorney Shop.

GET A NEW ATTORNEY. – you are being sold up the river.  (I know, I had an lawyer who did the same thing.  Years later after I learned a little about custody law I became aware my attorney did a horrible job for me.)
Father's Issues / RE: No rights to my kids
Jan 15, 2007, 02:30:34 PM
You need to move back into the house. - NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Never, ever leave the Residents.  Courts view that as abandoning the children.  As the primary caregiver to your children you will be doubled slapped.

That is the way the courts view it.

Of course if you where the primary caregiver how could you walk away from the house to leave Mom to work and take care of the children?  Good – God – Man what the hell is going through your head?

I am not gender bias – I would view a woman who was the primary caregiver who walked away from the house  and leaving Dad to work and take care of the children the same way.

There is way more to your story – or you are very irresponsible to the children and Mom.


How does she plain on supporting the child?

I've seen this situation many, many times before.   If she is irresponsible it is more than likely you will be raising the child.   Where is your step-daughters Mom in all this?

Should the father be involved - of course.  

If he is a nit-wit he will not be around much if at all;.  If step-daughter is a "nit-wit" she won't be around much either. (I've seen it before. Very sad for a child to have parents like this)  Hopefully this is not the case in your sisuation.

Father's Issues / Good one!
Jan 03, 2007, 04:43:18 PM
Good one!

$3,000 is the start – the finial bill can run much, much higher (60,000 or more if you have it.)

One attorney I trust in Minnesota is Maury Beaulier (don't ask me how to pronounce his last name LOL):

Minnesota Divorce visit   [A HREF=]

Divorce Answers visit [A HREF=]
Father's Issues / Sins of the mother
Oct 11, 2006, 04:01:01 PM
Below is a commentary from Canada I thought this was a very interesting. As a quick note I feel the laws on the books are not as big of a problem as the cultural bias in applying them. We as fathers must educate our fellow dads to there importance in nurturing and raising children.

CJ gave me some feedback on a commercial I was involved with concerning fathers. (hope you don't mind me sharing CJ, but I feel your insight are enlightening)


I think people react negatively to negative commercials. I believe they would have been far better off having several children, not just one, telling what a great life they have being raised by their fathers, and then having a professional announcer list some facts about children who are raised with fathers in their life vs. those who aren't.

Off the top of my head example commercial;

(different children talking)
"Thanks for helping me study dad."
"When I grow up I want to be an engineer like my dad."
"My dad picks me up from school every day."
"My dad is the best cook in the world!"
" My dad"
"My dad"
"My dad."

(announcer's voice) Did you know that more than 2 million children are raised by single fathers? When father's are involved in a child' life they are more likely to receive A's, enjoy school, participate in extracurricular activities, and stay away from drugs and alcohol. Adolescent girls with the guidance of fathers are 3 times less likely to engage in sexual relations by the time they turn 15, and 5 times less likely to become teenage mothers. It's time we return fathers to our homes where they belong. Call your congressman today and demand equal rights for fathers.

Being a father needs to be turned into a positive thing......

.... The world needs to see real fathers. The world needs to feel comfortable knowing children are being raised by intelligent people. .... We need to show the world we are responsible parents and we aren't clowns or people who need pity.

- CJ


[font size=+2]Sins of the mother[/font]
Barbara Kay
National Post
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

"..... (again no jail time -- has any murdering mom ever done jail time in Canada? )."

......... .................

"When fathers kill, society holds them completely responsible. In a way, this is a backhanded compliment. They are assumed to be full-fledged moral agents acting from a willed choice."

......... .................

"In the default absolution of women from responsibility for violence, however, we see the soft bigotry of low expectations, and a kind of infantilization process, which presents in the form of familiar excuses. Friends and relatives, women's groups and sympathetic media all declare the tragedy a result of post-partum depression, the ravages of a custody battle or other uncontrollable factors."

......... .................

".........there is no question that in any single one of these(killings) and all other such cases, if the father were the killer, the outcomes would have been very different."

......... .................

"As a rule, then, when fathers kill their children, it is usually in spite of the system's efforts to protect children, for both alleged and real warning signs by men are taken seriously.

But when mothers kill , it is usually because the system willfully ignored obvious warning signs --

-- or even, as may be the case in the Campione affair --

-- actively colluded with a disturbed mother in isolating the children from a stable and engaged father."

......... .................

"So these tragedies don't happen because caseloads are too heavy, as CAS workers often plead, or because they are stupid.
[font size=+2] The culprit, in short, is cultural bias.[/font] "

They are a grassroots effort and do not have the fanatical resources and professional expertise in web design that S.P.A.R.C. does. ;-)  )(

Here is what was sent to me.


Thanks for letting us know of your interest - I have attached an informative page, All About WATCH D.O.G.S. and a Program Launch Timeline that will help you know the steps schools will need to take to be ready for a launch  


  it is not too late to get  a  program started  in one or more of your schools this fall!  (I also attached a letter from a school in Washington that recently launched and am incuding a link, // , where you can view a featured video from Channel 3 in Las Vegas -it is a newspeice from a recent Pizza Night in Las Vegas - I hope these will encourage your team!)


 We strongly encourage Principals, Counselors or Parental Involvement Coordinators, PTO reps, community leaders and/or Top Dog men from your schools or community to attend one of our national, toll-free '7 Steps to Success Training' conference calls with Scott Huse from our WATCH D.O.G.S. Marketing Team at the beginning of each new year.  

 They are designed to encourage, motivate and train new and existing programs and will provide you with the information needed to grow your program and to help you get even more fathers and father-figures to participate.  

Here is the list of the upcoming training conference calls available for you.  (Start times are PM Central Time and the calls last about 1 hour with Q/A time following.   After all questions have been answered, callers planning a Pizza Night event may stay on the line for an additional 10-15 minutes and Scott will share tips for a successful event.)

Thursday, October 19 @ 2:30          
Tuesday, October 24 @ 12:30
Thursday, October 12 @ 2:30                            
Tuesday, October 17 @ 12:30
Thursday, October 26 @ 12:30

To reserve your spot, just call in or e-mail [email protected] with the date that is best for you. Then, we will send you the call-in number, directions and the training materials needed for the call.  Feel free to copy or forward this info to anyone else from your school  district who is interested in learning more.      


 If you have any questions, please visit our website or call me - our team looks forward to supporting you in your efforts to begin and grow strong programs!

 Deanna Bolek

School Program Developer
WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students)
"a one-of-a-kind school based father involvement program that works"
Phone: 888-540-3647 or 479-751-3535
Email:  [email protected]
Fax: 479-751-3563
Site: //


ALL ABOUT WATCH D.O.G.S Across America®

WATCH D.O.G.S. is a national innovative program focusing on the prevention of violence in our children's schools by using the positive influence of fathers and father-figures for a two-fold purpose:
(1) to provide an unobtrusive presence in schools, and
(2) to be a positive and active role-model for children at their school.

WATCH D.O.G.S. Across America® is a non-profit organization which began in 1998 by Jim Moore, immediately after the Jonesboro, Arkansas, middle school shooting tragedy.

WATCH D.O.G.S. operates for the objective as stated in its motto: "To turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers."

Program benefits
The benefits of the program are many, according to WATCH D.O.G.S. Founder Jim Moore.

• Schools gain an extra set of eyes and ears. The presence of a father or father-figure enhances a sense of security at the building for students and staff and helps create an environment conducive to learning.

• Children gain a positive male role model. Many children do not have a father-figure present in their home and these children benefit when a positive male role model is present.

• Fathers get a glimpse of their child's everyday world and learn about the increasingly complex challenges and decisions today's youth are facing. As a result, they can learn to relate better to their child and hopefully connect with them.

• Fathers gain a greater awareness of the positive impact they can have on their child's life in three critical areas including: academic performance, self esteem, social behavior.

Who are WatchDOGS (Dads Of Great Students)?

WatchDOGS are fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and other father-figures who volunteer for at least one day each year at an official WATCH D.O.G.S. school.

During the day, WatchDOGS may read and work on flash cards with kids, play at recess, eat lunch with their child, watch the school entrances and hallways, assist with traffic flow, mentor students, and any other assigned activities where they actively engage with not only their child(ren), but other students as well. Their mere presence offers additional security at the school during the day! On the day of their participation, the participants are given a brief review of their involvement and they wear an official WATCH D.O.G.S. Across America® t-shirt or vest identifying them as WatchDOGS.

Program Recognition
The WATCH D.O.G.S. program has been recognized by the United States Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and has been involved in the U.S. Department of Education's P.F.I.E. (Partnership For Family Involvement In Education).

The program has been recognized by on the floor of Congress as a program that "can be a great tool in our efforts to prevent school violence and the improve student performance because it can increase parental initiative and involvement in their children's education." (Congressional Record, February 7, 2000 page S392)

Program goals
WATCH D.O.G.S. Across America® strives to:

• Raise the banner of positive fathering through the forum of schools across America and the world.
• Awaken fathers to the values and benefits of committed fathering.
• Change culture by where every child has a father or father-figure to connect with in a positive way at school.
• Help every school in America be positively impacted by the committed involvement of fathers and father-figures in their children's life.

For more information, visit our website at //, e-mail [email protected]

or call us at 1-888-540-DOGS (3647) to speak with a program developer.
Father's Issues / Support? the movie
Oct 09, 2006, 02:42:51 PM

It looks like a documentary on child support and perceived unfairness in the system including how father's are treated and how soldiers are treated.

Below is the beginning of an explanation that appears on the website

"Support? is a film that covers the true everyday issues of love, stress, family, and the pain that is enhanced a 1,000 times more when families are put through the detrimental affects of the Family Court systems in which are flooded with more cases than the labor force can handle OR chooses NOT to handle.

Finally, a shocking documentary that exposes the truth!"

[font size=+2]Support?   explores the fundamental flaws in America's Family Courts covering the Divorce and Child Support System.  As told through over 38 interviews with both custodial and non-custodial parents, and the attorneys, judges and county employees on both sides of the paradigm.[/font]

This might be something of interest that you would like to start or get involved with in your local school.

WATCH D.O.G.S. is a national innovative program focusing on the prevention of violence in our children's schools by using the positive influence of fathers and father-figures for a two-fold purpose:
(1) to provide an unobtrusive presence in schools, and
(2) to be a positive and active role-model for children at their school.

WATCH D.O.G.S. Across America® strives to:

•**Raise the banner of positive fathering through the forum of schools across America and the world.

•** Awaken fathers to the values and benefits of committed fathering.

• ** Change culture by where every child has a father or father-figure to connect with in a positive way at school.

•** Help every school in America be positively impacted by the committed involvement of fathers and father-figures in their children's life.