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Messages - DadsCrushed

Father's Issues / False Claims of Abuse
Jan 11, 2010, 06:59:15 AM
The ex has made 7 claims of sexual abuse before the Court. Recently, I found out another one is coming my way. This time the kids social woker reported me to CPS for molestation. CPS did not initiate this witch hunt either. This weekend while with my children my youngest, 4, stated that her mommy told her to say disgusting things to the social worker.

Question: This is emotional abuse if you ask me. I've been investigated that I know of on 4 separate occasions all of them thrown out. I want to file emotional abuse against my ex and subpoena my youngest to testify when I go back to court on this piece of fiction.

Since the ex is undertaking this new offensive, should I subpoena because I'm worried she may totally program the kids that I am some monster but at the same time since my daughter is talking I would like CPS to hear what is going on.

Thanks. I am pro se.
Was your son served with the Court Order? Was your son served with the initial Motion? I find it odd that you have a CO identifying child support and custody without language mentioning visitation, at the very least supervised visits.

Note that as the parent, your son's parental status trumps the grandparents. Courts have ruled on that. Barring some termination of parental rights your son is their father not the grandmother who gives them milk and cookies. I'd file an Motion to Amend the Order at the very least.
I'm in MD.

Your atty. can file a pendente lite or if you are pro se you can do it yourself. Since there is no order per visitation, those kids are yours and F her per her unilateral dictum per scheduling. You do not want to establish "status quo" with her having the kids teh majority of the time.

If you decide to keep the kid past your "time" you can. What is she going to do? First, she will call the cops. The cops can do nothing if you are the father. However, do you want to subject your child to that. Looking back, I would have subjected my kids to that because the "games" now are beyond that level and the status quo burned me at trial.

Your past antics is concern but you never know the outcome. That is why you need to demonstrate that you are an equal parent. The age of the child should not be that much of a concern. It is an issue if breastfeeding.

This website has a lot of good information. Start reading about the "mother" argument. Agreed, both parents should be involved.
My ex pulled this. It's called a "hit and run." Start to document everything and don't rely on running to your atty. You need to surrender the idea of getting back together with the woman.

Do you have a Court order for the schedule of visitation? From the sound of it it appears to be something your atty. and her's decided upon. If this is a schedule your atty. and her's decided upon; fire your atty.

One thing I learned in my case is that the Court will look at the "status quo" of the child. If the child is with the mother more than you and you agreed, you can probably kiss your chances of equal custody. You need to demand equal access. If the attys. and your ex do not like it . . . tough. Go to Court and file a pendente lite.

Trust me, you do not want to be limited by "status quo." If, however, you already have a penndente lite where visitation has been decided; you will need to wait until the final hearing before you have a chance at equal custody and more visitation.

In the meantime, clean up your act. Go to Gamblers Anonymous and everything you put on the web can come back to haunt you. Don't be surprised if the ex requests that you obtain a forensic evaluation to see if you are fit. In turn, be prepared to file a request for a forensic evaulation against her.
I subpoenaed the records. Also, some counties allow you to "attempt" to get the reports, and have the form on their website.

In my subpoena, I identified the Attachment with the scope and nature of the requested documents:

Any and all notes, correspondence, video and/or audio interviews, photographs and the like, and all other materials generated or accumulated by Social Services Child Protective Services for ???? County State of ???? during the investigation(s) of sexual, physical and/or mental injury of ???? , whose date of birth is ????, , and ???? , whose date of birth is ???, , where INSERT YOUR NAME is identified as an interested party from the date of your initial interview and/or treatment of the children to the present.               
If it is your court ordered time, do as you wish. Obviously, you and the significant other should try to coordinate activities, but you can rearrange child's activities during your time. Also, this is the holiday season, and a failure to appear is understandable.
Dear Socrateaser / Letter Terminating Attorney
Dec 02, 2009, 09:57:24 AM
Does anybody have a copy of a letter terminating an attorney? I can no longer pay the bills and have to go pro se. We go to court in a week and need to get this to him quick.

My ex psycho pulled and continues to pull this stunt. She has the children sit in her lap so she can hear them or puts me on the speaker phone.

You are entitled pursuant to federal and state statutes certain privacy on the phone. I believe there is a link on this website that provides for each state and the level of consent for somebody to listen to your conversations.

Document the phone calls and the conversation. What helped me is when my ex claimed I molested my children social services came in and talked to my daughter. Molestation was thrown out but during the "interview" my daughter stated that "mommy is not fair" to daddy on the phone. The judge was pretty pissed with this interference from the "mother".

Also, your 6 year old is more resiliant then you think. My daughter the same age as your son used to sneak out of her bed and call me at night. If I wasn't there she would leave a message on the voice mail and that is admissible since leaving a message on the phone it is understood that it is recorded. This was also disclosed at Court.

My advice to you is try to have the phone call. I know it is hard but they need to hear your voice. Your TPO will be over soon and see your child.

I do have an attorney, and the saving grace this time is we are going back to a judge that read her the riot act last time. My concern is she now has others doing her bidding. I hear horror stories how it can be suggested by shrinks that a parent is hurting you, and the next thing I'm in the slammer.

We do have a forensic evaluation on her. She is mentally ill (bi-polar, narcissitc, histrionic, OCD) but got custody; can't figure that one out.
Dear Socrateaser / Termination of Parental Rights
Nov 27, 2009, 10:54:02 AM
Ex has full physical and legal custody, and for the 4th time she is making a Motion that I have molested / harmed the children.  Prior allegations have been thrown out by the Court. Now, children's shrink is involved and is to testify that I should have rights terminated; I can't wait to see on what grounds.

Has anybody been challenged for termination of rights based on a shrink? Does the Court look at the number of prior accusations before considering the new charges? I'm concerned because children are suggestible and I have been noticing a difference in them.