SPARC Forums

Main Forums => Father's Issues => Topic started by: jaylind on Jul 08, 2005, 11:00:19 PM

Title: hey old friends!
Post by: jaylind on Jul 08, 2005, 11:00:19 PM
Wow, been forever...are any old-timers still around?  I miss KND, CF, 5mom (6mom?), Cerry...everyone.  I see Brent and Waylon are still here **waves hello**

My kids still don't see their dad much, he can't get his life together.  He does get really surly that I don't just drop everything and drive 5 hours with the kids to go see him, though.  Grrrr.

He called at 8 PM the night before Father's Day, telling me he'd be about an hour away, wanted me to drop everything and meet him in the AM with the kids to leave them with him for the day.  They hadn't seen him in 15 months.  I didn't cancel all our plans for the day but I did make time later in the afternoon to take them up to see him with his family supervising.  He kept the kids for ONE HOUR before we had to take them back home because he was leaving.  **shakes head**


I am still teaching preschool but gearing up to do something else as my kids enter the school system over the next couple of years....but I'm NOT going back to teaching public school!!  I found a great friend in the nursery biz, which is a rekindling of my ag background and we are dabbling in some joint ventures with online plant sales, etc.  It's been fun.

I'd love to catch up with some old friends, see some pics of all the grownup kiddos...

bazanna at 650dialup dot com


Title: Hey Yourself
Post by: hagatha on Jul 11, 2005, 03:39:23 AM

So glad to see you here. I too miss the "old timers" and SAM but work calls me away every night.

Things are ok here. The brat has become a wonderful adult (almost 21 now) and has such a great relationship with us. Mommy dearest and grandma are still doing the PA thing but it is falling on deaf ears. She sees them with more adult eyes and chooses to ignore them.

My D gave me a grandbaby in December and she is just so wonderful. The biofather is not in the picture at all. After he beat my D we had him arrested and he will remain in jail for a while. She has moved on and is involved with a wonderful guy. He gave the baby his name and signed the BC as daddy. I know they are both safe with him and am so happy with their little family. I expect they will settle down and get married shortly

My son (monsterman) is on his way to HS. Hopefully he will find himself and shine.

DH and I are mostly OK. He is still drinking but I have learned to ignore most of his drunk crap.

Hope to see you here soon

The Witch
Title: RE: Hey Yourself
Post by: jaylind on Jul 11, 2005, 06:06:53 PM
Oh wow, kids grow up, don't they?  Amazing.

Grandma!!!  WOW!  How are you feeling about that?  I have a long way to go for that, thank goodness....but I know the time will pass quickly and I'll turn around and wonder what happened......

Sorry about your dh.  You are a stonger woman than I to withstand that stuff.

Glad your relationship with your sd is better.  Good to hear.  My former sd is now 11 so in a few more years, I imagine she will come looking for her baby sister and brother...I would really love it if she did.

Your son is going to HS?!  Incredible.  Time's funny stuff.

Bird is going to kindy this fall, she's had 2 years of Headstart and I have high hopes that she will do OK.  I do have her on some meds, 3 different ones, and she is doing better with them than without them.  She will occasionally have a hard week or two, though, and that seems to be getting worse as she gets older.  I worry about how she will manage adult life but I can't do anything but teach her as well as I can and then wait and see...yanno?

Noey is 3.5 and getting ready for Headstart this fall.  He is very much still my baby, though.  

I've been dabbling in the nursery business, got a good thing going with a nice partner who is learning a lot of parenting stuff by the seat of his pants, LOL.  We do not share households but he is very present in the kids' lives and they love him.  He is a great father figure.  I expect to stick with it permanently but as for making things legal and combining households, well....we're in no hurry.

Ohhh and my big personal news, I LOST 105 POUNDS!!!  All on my own...with a lot of hard work though.  I feel so great!  :)  I've kept it off for a couple of years now and I'm in the process of joining the national weightloss registry.

I'm keeping busy with work and a few volunteer pursuits, there's never enough time in the day........which I'm sure everyone on the planet understands, LOL!

Good to hear from you!

Where is everyone else?!  Come out, come out, wherever you are!!!


Title: Hey Jaylind!!
Post by: Nextmother on Jul 14, 2005, 06:47:14 AM
Don't know if you remember me, but I certainly remember you! WOW! I can hardly believe that your little one is nearly 4! Doesn't seem like that long ago that you announced you were preggy!

We are doing great! You may remeber that we finally got moved into a bigger house in 2002 and we are getting ready to move again! DH lost his job right after that move and we decided to take the leap and he went back to school. He graduated at the end of June and has taken a job in MI, so we are moving again!

We got news in June also that BM was killed in a car accident. In some ways I was sad that she never got her act together but, in some ways there was a lot of relief there too.

Former SD has been with us for 5 years this month and is doing great! My adoption of her has been final for 3 years this past March and she is going into the 5th grade next month! It is amazing to me how time flies! LOL

Glad to see you are doing okay, sorry your ex is not any better. Take care and kiss those kiddo's for all of us!

Title: RE: Hey Jaylind!!
Post by: jaylind on Jul 17, 2005, 09:00:25 AM
Next!  I absolutely remember you!!!  :)

I remember when the adoption was finalized, there was cheering over here in OR from me!  :)

I'm sorry you had to deal with bm's passing, though...what a complicated buncha STUFF for the kids to have to work through, if not at this age, then later on.

Good luck on your move!  I wish I were moving, LOL...soon, soon ;)
