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Topics - jcompz

Father's Issues / Judges biased decision
Nov 05, 2011, 10:39:49 PM
My ex decided to up and leave one day while I was at work, taking our children without my knowledge or consent, about 2,000 miles away from home. I went and filed custody papers to bring them home and the judge (who is a mother of 5 and just became a Judge in Jan) flat out said that she was not going to take away the children from the mother who carried them in her belly for 9 months no matter what proof I had about her mental instability. I have texts, recordings, photos, etc.. as proof to back up my case, and it seems that this judge just doesn't give a darn. I have an attorney, and he said it's basically a losing battle and I should just take what I can get, which will likely be a couple weeks during the summer and every other Christmas and Easter.

They were in school here, all of their close family and friends are here, everything they know is here. The only thing they have there is a mother that they see an hour a day at most and a grandmother who is so unstable that their mother ran away from her when she was a teen! I don't know what to do...