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Messages - jcompz

Father's Issues / Re: Judges biased decision
Nov 09, 2011, 11:54:57 AM
They aren't school aged. They aren't even in day care with her. They stay with her mother nearly 24/7 while she goes to work & parties. At the emergency hearing, she didn't let much talking happen at all, she pretty much immediately dismissed the entire thing and said to file a basic motion and go set a date. I didn't get to say a single word.

Today was interesting. My ex wanted me to have very limited visitation with the kids until the next hearing: Thanksgiving at HER house if I flew up for the day, Christmas at HER house if I flew up for the day and that was it. Her reasoning was because the children had ant bites on their feet last time they went home and her attorney claimed neglect. Ok, I live on 43 acres of farm land and we spend a lot of time outside. Shoes or no shoes, you're gonna get bit. My attorney started to speak on my behalf and the judge waived him off and said don't bother "This is Mississippi. That's not neglect, that's living!". Then they tried to say that they were concerned about driving in the weather and the judge said that she can't predict the weather and unless the weather is bad enough for roads to be closed, she better be at the meeting place. I got a week for Thanksgiving, the week before Christmas, and the last week of January until the hearing in February!
Father's Issues / Re: Judges biased decision
Nov 08, 2011, 07:09:39 PM
I was a stay at home dad with my kids until January of this year, at which time they went to daycare. With my job, it took me out of town a lot, and there were times I would come home to rotting food on the table, dried used tampons in the hallway, and even a time when I came home to my son chewing on a USED applicator while my ex was sitting on the couch oblivious to what was going on. I got papers from her attorney today stating that according to her, she was the primary caregiver of them since birth, I am unfit, was hardly home, that she is an excellent parent, lied about dates (even stated her mother lived with us!), etc... I am so glad that I took pictures of the way she kept the home during the few months before she took off (made a separate and completely private facebook, and posted them on there immediately after taking them for proof of when I took them and also have a witness that I had to hire to come in and clean the home weekly while I was working so that my kids would live in a sanitary place). I asked for a continuance because I am waiting on a subpoena for some records that would really benefit my case and it was granted today because her attorney wanted it too, so tomorrow all I have to do is fight to see my kids for the next few months until the next hearing in Feb. Based off everything I now have and the motivation I have given my attorney (I have a friend studying as a paralegal that found a new law here that my lawyer didn't know about regarding basis for appeals and a recusal that would help my case in the event this judge keeps on her same path), my attorney is quite confident that I am going to win and my kids will be home in February for good!
Father's Issues / Re: Judges biased decision
Nov 07, 2011, 09:26:05 AM
We filed the emergency temporary paperwork, and that's when she said "she carried them in her belly for 9 months, I'm not going to take them away from her now". She gave me 2 weeks worth of visitation from July til November.
Father's Issues / Re: Judges biased decision
Nov 05, 2011, 11:29:55 PM
Court is in Mississippi. Kids are in Ohio, ages 3 1/2 and 2. And she moved in June, first hearing was 2 months ago, final hearing is on Wednesday...
Father's Issues / Judges biased decision
Nov 05, 2011, 10:39:49 PM
My ex decided to up and leave one day while I was at work, taking our children without my knowledge or consent, about 2,000 miles away from home. I went and filed custody papers to bring them home and the judge (who is a mother of 5 and just became a Judge in Jan) flat out said that she was not going to take away the children from the mother who carried them in her belly for 9 months no matter what proof I had about her mental instability. I have texts, recordings, photos, etc.. as proof to back up my case, and it seems that this judge just doesn't give a darn. I have an attorney, and he said it's basically a losing battle and I should just take what I can get, which will likely be a couple weeks during the summer and every other Christmas and Easter.

They were in school here, all of their close family and friends are here, everything they know is here. The only thing they have there is a mother that they see an hour a day at most and a grandmother who is so unstable that their mother ran away from her when she was a teen! I don't know what to do...