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Main Forums => Dear Socrateaser => Topic started by: Nowastepmom on Dec 09, 2003, 08:43:22 PM

Title: Important health care issue
Post by: Nowastepmom on Dec 09, 2003, 08:43:22 PM
Dh and x have joint custody (no primary) and she informed him this evening that she is taking him to a doctor, one of which dh does not agree with, and he let her know that he does not agree with.

1.  What does he do now if she tries to take him to this doctor?

2.  Since she is bound by their agreement to make all major decisions jointly and she is continuing to do this without his agreement, does this mean she is in contempt?

Thank you
Title: RE: Important health care issue
Post by: socrateaser on Dec 15, 2003, 01:03:04 AM
>Dh and x have joint custody (no primary) and she informed him
>this evening that she is taking him to a doctor, one of which
>dh does not agree with, and he let her know that he does not
>agree with.
>1.  What does he do now if she tries to take him to this

Joint justody means that both parties have joint authority to make decisions regarding the child's health, education and welfare. This does not mean that both of you have to agree, it means that both of you have 100% power simultaneously.

If your orders state that you have to agree before action can be taken, then you could prevent the doctor from administering care.

>2.  Since she is bound by their agreement to make all major
>decisions jointly and she is continuing to do this without his
>agreement, does this mean she is in contempt?

Now you're stating something different. Please post the EXACT text of your custody order concerning this issue.