SPARC Forums

Main Forums => Dear Socrateaser => Topic started by: gw on Feb 11, 2005, 04:05:17 PM

Title: Emancipation & Insurance
Post by: gw on Feb 11, 2005, 04:05:17 PM
I have just been informed that my 18 year old daughter went to the state and asked to file a form stating she was emancipated and wants nothing to due with the CP.  The state told her she couldn't do that.

The CP is suppose to be carrying health and dental insurance on our daughter.  Our daughter told the CP she didn't want to be on her insurance and not to cover her but the CP had her covered.  When the daughter found out, she called the insurance carrier and told them to drop her as she has coverage through the state.

Can the state legally cover her through their insurance when there is a court Order for the CP to have coverage?
Title: RE: Emancipation & Insurance
Post by: socrateaser on Feb 11, 2005, 04:21:52 PM
>Can the state legally cover her through their insurance when
>there is a court Order for the CP to have coverage?

You're taking the wrong approach. If your child does not want to be supported, then her testimony to that effect should be sufficient evidence for you to obtain a court order terminating your support obligation, as the purpose of child support is to support the CHILD, not the custodial parent.

Stop trying to find a convenient way around the system, file a motion to terminate support, and have your child testify.