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Messages - gerogiadad

I apologize If i sounded like I was bashing you personally.  

Everyone's situation and case is different.  And it was more directed to the generalized statements of my own past.  I have been singled out as just a male that needs to be watched while around his child, I have had the opposing lawyer use the "male" card as a reason for supervised visitation.  I have seen mothers that have raised a child and completely ruined the child's mind and ability to cope with the world without destroying everything around to get attention.  Then tell me that I need to be supervised, why?  Because I am a male and Males can't be around children alone because they know nothing about children.  

That is the stereotype that needs to die away.

The courts need a hefty reason to give him supervised visitation.  So, if you can get him to agree to this supervised visitation without taking it to a judge so be it, but if he has his ducks in a row he can get unsupervised for at least a few hours a day.  
Yes, I had the mother that said, "I need to see you with our child for a while before you can take him alone."  The courts saw it differently because I got my ducks in a row.

In the end, I gained custody and part of the help she gave me was the "stereotyping" which didn't help her case at all.
>Do it gradually.  Also request he takes parenting classes,
>child infant cpr classes.

>1) He's never taken care of children.

I think this is wrong, wrong, WRONG

Did you ask him if he had Experience with children at the beginning of your relationship?  

How many mothers have experience with children before their first born.  

Why is everyone so sexist against men to think that they know nothing about children.

Which one of you took a parenting class before you had your first born?

Which of you are Certified in Infant/Child CPR?

This is why the courts are so biased against Fathers.  This is a Stereotype that needs to go the way of the Dodo.  Woman isn't the only one that can take care of children.  

Also, do a Google search for "infants overnight with father" you will see that this site here has some on that.  Males are not incapable.  There are just as many mothers if not more out there that should be scrutinized before being alone with their children.
Visitation Issues / RE: She is
Jul 20, 2007, 07:08:08 AM
It says she is permitted to take the child to her home.  

::Edit:: that is the bane of the courts, it is all open to interpretation.
Just an update. I chose to allow this to go ahead.  Thanks for everyone's replies.  There is much more about the reasoning behind the Flights and it was added by my lawyer and I to protect our child.  Details aren't needed, just know it is there for a reason.I have gone above and beyond to be "the petter person" at least, that is how I see it.  There are always 2 sides.  Most of the time I just let her get away with it because, I can't imagine having to be that far away.  but She move to get a leg up, but this time she missed the rung and fell on the mercy of the courts.  This "Order" is not Judge mandated it is an agreement transcribed into the record then signed as a final Order.  So, mom agreed to this no one forced her.  She almost didn't get the Week at her residence due to the nature of the evidence, but was allowed 7 days when another stipulation was added.

Either way, again I turn the other cheek.  Thanks everyone that read and replied.
2 years old so can't fly alone.  I don't worry about her not returning.  She was given $400 a month Deviation from child support to pay for plane tickets.    My case was a complicated one for sure and right now since it has not even been 6 months she is trying to set precedent that she is in control.   I have been the "better person" and not stood up for my own rights for 2 years during this battle in the courts, now I am supposed to sit back and let her run things the way she wants court order be danged just so My child doesn't miss out on seeing his mother.  She isn't making things easy either, waits until 2 days to tell me that what we agreed to isn't going to happen.  I have the conversation recorded where we agree to the date and that it will be a flight.   just to have her tell me yesterday that she never bought a ticket.  In other words a month ago when we planned this she wasn't going to buy a ticket.

I let SO much slide trying to make sure that my child has everything he deserves.  Which battle do I need to fight?
I agreed to the dates for visitation under the knowledge she would be flying.  Then, 2 days before her day to start her visitation, she informs me that she will be driving.  I am thinking the same as you, but you never can tell.  It really is a rock and a hard place for our child.  I don't want him to sit in a car seat for 14 hours.  I also, don't want to keep him away from his mother.  So far she has failed to follow anything of this order without bending it as much as possible.
the exact wording is

"The Mother shall be permitted to travel with (Child's name) from (home, State) to (NCP's home, state) on a direct flight and return seven (7) days later provided that she give the Father at least thirty (30) days notice of her intention to exercise visitation. He shall not be returned to the home of the Father any later than 7:00 P.M."

I have sent my lawyer an email asking this question.  Just trying to get some more info while waiting on the return conversation.
Visitation Issues / Going against the court Order
Jul 19, 2007, 08:51:42 AM
I am new to all this "Custodial Parent" stuff.  I am an Unwed Father that gained primary custody.
Now, however, I have the battle of my life apparently trying to get the NCP to follow the court order.  She lives a few states away and the court order states that she is allowed to have visitation by flying our child to and from visitation.  She has been given a deviation in Child support to provide for this.  She sent me an email that states she will be Driving this 14 hour trip.  I feel that if I allow this, I will be in contempt.  But I also feel that if I deny this visitation based on the court order I can also be held in contempt.  

How can I proceed?  Do I deny, or allow?  Are there any legal actions that can be taken if I deny based on the information?
