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Messages - DDS

great idea...
Yeah ocean, i had to go get our paternity paperwork showing im the father. This is a really crappy proces to have to go through...
Great points.. i was about to take a CPR class anyway, but that's a great idea... Parenting, also smart..
I'm in IL. Corruption runs rampant and you pay money for EVERYTHING!!! I almost fell out of my chair when I read that... $329... to process paperwork that proves I'm the father... Ridiculous.

Now the lawyer I spoke with did say to keep track of EVERYTHING in a notebook and said it may help...
Quote from: ocean on Dec 30, 2009, 09:19:27 AM
Probably not but she can keep him from you during the court process which sometimes take months, especially if it goes to a trial.
That seems ridiculously unfair... can she out and out NOT let me see him during that time? Like she can suddenly say NO you can't see your son AT ALL?
Ok, so I'm going to file for joint custody and visitation next week. We're trying to keep this out of the courts, but if she says screw it and decides to court, can she feasibly keep him from me? I guess what i'm asking, is there anything she can do to prevent unsupervised visits?
Visitation Issues / Re: SMoking during pregnancy
Dec 30, 2009, 09:03:59 AM
Ok, thanks, Kitty. Mine was also born at 7.3... She's a little bigger than that and he was a little underweight, but I guess there's not much to be done.
Yeah, i've learned alot on here. I got her to delay going to court. I'm planning on filing for visitation this upcoming week. It's 329 bucks, but that's better than spending 1500 on a lawyer.
That said, She kinda played all her cards last week in an argument, stating I was unstable (i'm not, and my dr has agreed to speak on behalf as to the reason i was on anti depressants). I have literally a dozen people willing to speak on my behalf ( i dont' know if character witnesses help) and a notebook worth of jotting down her antics.

Not sure what else I can come up with that might help my situation
Good replies all. I'm going to be trying to get 50/50 visitation so hopefully that will help ease some of the burden... I'm doing my best to keep this out of the courts, but shes a little nutty, so we'll see.
Visitation Issues / SMoking during pregnancy
Dec 30, 2009, 08:19:00 AM
Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but as I'm getting all my ducks in a row and listening to her false accusations of doing what's best for our son, she smoked every day during her pregnancy despite my pleading with her. Cigarettes are proven to be unsafe for unborn fetuses which to me would seem like not doing what's best for our son.. How can I use this to my advantage? (god that sounds terrible to put it that way)
nm, i found it... $329
Hey all.
I'm just back to work for the first time after being laid off for five months, so money is an issue. With my ex not letting me take him for any time at all and me not being able to afford a lawyer yet here in IL, would you guys recommend me filing for visitation without a lawyer to get the ball rolling?