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Topics - soft dad

Dear Socrateaser / Property lein
Jun 21, 2006, 06:20:12 AM

During my divorce, my ex wife and I decided it was best for the children to stay in the house they grew up in. It was agreed that if/when she sold the house, she would pay me X amount. She is now selling the house, and I know I will have a hard time getting my share.

1. Is there a way for me to put a lein on the property to make sure I receive my fair share?

Thank you.
Father's Issues / Boy did I mess up...
Jun 20, 2006, 11:38:03 AM
Here's my story... Divorced after 10 years of marriage, 3 daughters aged 17,10,6. When I first left, visits were great, my daughters looked forward to seeing me, I would take my middle daughter to school everyday, they always called me, and I always called them. When my ex found out I was dating someone, she started telling my girls that I care more for my girlfriend and her boys. Telling them I was never around for them anyway, that if I loved them, I wouldn't have left. They weren't even allowed to speak my name in the house.Well, you all know about alienation. Anyway, two years ago she met a guy, he moves in right away, which is fine, the kids liked him, and he seemed good to them. This is when my problems really start. Visits became less frequent, there was always something else they wanted to do with mom and her BF. Trying to be flexible, I would allow it. First it was leaving on Sun. morning instead of evening, then only staying till Sat. morning. then not wanting to come on the Wed. nites. And if ever I asked them why they didn't want to spend time with me, they say "The time we spend together is fine".Toward the end of last summer, I picked them up Friday afterwork, we had plans to go to the beach Sat. About 7:30 mom calls, so as usual I walked outside to let them speak. When I came in they told me they wanted to go home, I said no, this is our time. My youngest daughter started crying (almost hysterically) saying "Daddy, please don't make me stay". So, I let them go. Since then, I have seen my 2 youngest maybe 5 times, and only to take them out to dinner. They won't come to my house, because they "don't feel comfortable around my GF and her sons". My oldest daughter moved in with me last Nov. About 2 months ago, I overheard my youngest daughter call mom's BF "daddy", and he answered. It broke my heart, but mostly made me angry. When I confronted my ex with this, she denied it. Then a few days later, mom's BF comes to pick up my oldest for breakfast with my 2 youngest. Again, I hear her call him daddy. Again I call ex's house, BF answers and says "Whatever goes on in this house is none of your business, if they want to call me daddy that's fine". I told him anything that goes on in my daughters lives is my business. Big screamfest unfortunately. So anyway, my daughters have stopped answering the phone altogether, They went to the father/daughter dance with him. THEY DIDN'T EVEN CALL ME ON FATHERS DAY!!!
I am empty inside. Sorry it's so long, and doesn't even scratch the surface of what has happened to me. I just know it's my fault for giving my daughter's the option of not staying with me. BTW, my child support is above guidelines and ALWAYS current. I'm just looking for support, not opinions of what I should do.
Thanks for listening.