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Main Forums => Second Families => Topic started by: dipper on Nov 04, 2006, 08:03:03 PM

Title: This is really mean.....
Post by: dipper on Nov 04, 2006, 08:03:03 PM
BM has 'turned in' ss' community service supervisor saying he told her that he would give ss 8 hours when he didnt do any work.  Now, both ss and the man say this is not true.  She didnt want to pick ss up in a two hour period last week, so the man told her to take ss with her then and he would check into giving him two hours for showing up (with probation officer).

Well, ss had told us that bm made negative comments about it..and he heard her talking it over with her cousin/lover.  SS told her he would not talk to her again if she did something to get this man in trouble.

Well, sure enough she waited five days, but she told the po that he was giving ss time he didnt work.  This is not true...he had not given him any time...And he swears he never mentioned eight hours.  

To complicate matters though, he turned in a sheet on time for ss...and he had the dates wrong.  He had hours right...but he is older and had evidently gotten confused on dates.  We had kept record of the time so we know when ss worked.

SS and dh had it out with bm today on the phone.  We believe she just did this to have ss' time disqualified.  This would effectively mean that he probably would NOT get his community service done in time.  He would wind up in juvie.....and dh would get the blame for not ensuring he did his time.

This is pure spite.  She says she did it because ss needs to be held accountable for his, in that case IF what she said had been true, why not tell the man not to give him any time and he would have to work for it?    

This man has done this for years without anything like this happening before.   He was extremely upset about this.....

We want to show the PO how vindictive she is and how this is just another of her showing how when court ordered to get ss counseling, she was not taking him to she forced him to write a lie to presented as evidence against him in his burn lawsuit..and have the PO talk to ss' present counselor......

We do not want to come off as defensive...but, this is wrong.  She is just lying again and her lies need to be stopped.  She will hurt anyone to get at dh.............
Title: Based on your SS's age, can't you try to get sole custody and
Post by: Sherry1 on Nov 06, 2006, 07:56:38 AM
cut her out of the picture?  If your SS doesn't want to see her or be with her, it seems to me you could do this via court.  Your BM is just totally driving your SS away from her.  If he ends up in juvie because if her lies he will never forgive her.

Otherwise, you are really caught between a rock and a hard spot.  How much longer is your SS on probation?  My SS fulfilled all his probation obligations and was released from probation earlier this year.  The only reprocussions at this point is he can't drive until he is 18, can't own a firearm until 18 and when filling out job applications if the question is asked if he has ever committed a felony, he has to say yes.  Committed but not convicted.
Title: RE: Based on your SS's age, can't you try to get sole custody and
Post by: dipper on Nov 06, 2006, 12:34:54 PM
He is 15..and goes back to court in January - six month probation time.  

The problem with court is that the judge in charge is changed when dh had a lawyer that was in the other judge's old law firm.  They called in this retired judge and he is very mommy friendly.  BM loves him (the judge) even if she did lose custody.  He followed the law grudgingly and tries whenever he sees him to talk dh into giving up ss.....

She always cites the judge by name in her letters..she never cited the other judge.  

Dh is hoping if he does not get the same lawyer that perhaps he can get the more fair judge back....
Title: RE: Based on your SS's age...clarification
Post by: dipper on Nov 06, 2006, 07:13:06 PM
In case I wasnt' probation is based on another county where he lived with bm.  The PO is here.  The judge that tries to convince dh that he should give ss back to bm, while still upholding the law, is the custody judge.

DH has mentioned trying to get sole custody.  I dont think this judge would do it.  He would not give dh custody in January when ss had been in a lot of school trouble, and was 14 and asking to live with us.....judge said he was not giving ss what he wanted.  Months later when things got worse and the GAL finally went to bat for ss did the judge allow the custody change.  

And by the way, bm is dating a second cousin.  She and this man have dated on and off for four years or so.  SS is not happy with it, never has been.  IN January, she was dating this man.  Then she started after another old he asked her to marry him...and her and cousin broke up...........Then she dated married neighbor whose wife was put in jail in March.  She really thought she had him, but his wife got out of jail and he chose, then she was back with cousin.  had an overnight stay as ss slept on sofa the last time she had visitation.  WE are less than happy to say the least........