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Topics - JD_412

I'm new to this, so hopefully I am doing this right. I am a 24year old Soon to be father.  I am excited about being a father, but I am very very worried as well.  I have been in a relationship with the soon to be mother of the child for a little over a year.  It has been the worst year of my life.  Three months into our relationship she tried to slit her wrists with a fishing knife while we were in her car.  When I tried to stop her she sliced open my right index finger severing two tendons and an artery and slicing open two of my other fingers.  I now have limited mobility in my index finger.  The reason for her trying to kill herself was because I was breaking up with her.  I started noticing disturbing controlling behavior prior to this incident.  She would drive past my house to make sure I wasn't with any other women,  she would call my phone a ton of times if I didn't pick up, and she demanded my attention 24/7, and that's not even the worst of it.  I decided to stick around because clearly this woman needed help, and I thought that I could be a positive influence in her life.....all this got me was assaulted 4 times, black eyes, busted lips, deep lascerations from her nails, and her being on file at three different police stations.  When I tried to press charges I was told that I couldn't because there were no witnesses and it was my word against hers even though I had the bruises and marks, and she had not a scratch on her.  To make a long story short I have been put through hell by this woman and now I fear for the safety of my unborn son.  I don't want her to have any influence on our son and I fear she will try everything in her power to try and take my son away from me when he is born if I don't stay with her.  This is an unhealthy relationship for me and it will definitely be an unhealthy relationship for my son.  I would like to try and win custody of my son, but I need to know what I should and shouldn't to.  I fear for my safety and my son's.  He is expected to be born on June 15th.  If anyone can help it will be extremely appreciated.  Thank you very much.