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Messages - ohu812

Father's Issues / RE: visitation
Nov 06, 2007, 08:00:15 PM
The BM was placed on supervised visits but if the NCP is willing to work a safety plan then they get stipulations. The BM got off the dope and completed everything she was told to and so she got off supervised visits. We have done this several times now. Everytime she gets a little wiser and harder to catch. It pisses me off that this worthless parent has the same visitation that I (and most NCP) had and I had never done anything but take care of my daughter. My attorney thinks that I have moved too soon in the past and wants a mountain on top of her for court. He feels that right now I have a 60% chance of getting what I want but given her history if I wait it out then my odds go up. A lot of things cant be proven and they cant be used. Now the BM owes all medical bills (she hasnt paid a dime), allowed and admitted to counselor she allowed ex BF (who is court ordered no contact with child) around BD, failed to send change of information, failed to turn in job change for child support, had 6 different men live with her since March, etc. Her new BF does not have a car or a job so it is harder to track him. I will wait and see if he sticks around very long.
Father's Issues / RE: visitation
Nov 06, 2007, 12:28:28 PM
I was afraid that was my only way to get his full name. There is one PI here and he charges 500.00 minimum. She has had 6 live ins since March 07 (15 since 2003) and I have spent a small fortune. My attorney basically says birds of a feather flock together and he has no doubt every guy she brings in has a record (what decent guy would be with her or move in and kick children out of the only bed). He says do what you want but nothing will surprise him. I cant believe in this day that children are still allowed by law to be subject to this abuse and neglect. The last CPS worker said the boyfriend (at that time) was so violent that she would not go there alone but he could be alone with the children (he had also had his own children removed for abuse/neglect).
Father's Issues / RE: visitation
Nov 06, 2007, 05:23:12 AM
I live in Randall county. I filed for supervised visits in April and due to Texas laws and having to change the case she got 6 months to get herself clean. My attorney said he didnt think I would get what I wanted at that point because she straightened up by the time we got to court date. I asked her to leave our BD with me instead while she was working but she said no. This is what she has done four 5 years. She doesnt want to take care of her children but she insists on getting every visit. Her family enables her and makes sure she gets her children (she has 3 with 3 men) regardless of the condition she is in. I have had numerous positive drug tests on her and CPS cases but it doesnt matter because all the modifications are temporary and she makes sure to complete everything and get back on standard visits and then right back to her old tricks. She lives in a 1 bedroom and she just moved a new guy in. Any ideas on how to find out a full name on this character. In the past I looked some of them up and one was a registered sex offender.
Father's Issues / RE: visitation
Nov 04, 2007, 05:13:14 AM
They arent licensed child care people. They are the dope heads she does her drugs with. Everyone she hangs out with or leaves her children with have criminal history of drugs/alcohol and CPS history.
Father's Issues / visitation
Nov 03, 2007, 01:43:58 PM
I am the CP in Texas. The BM has now taken a job working weekend nights. Her visitation is every other weekend Fri at 6p to Sun at 6p. She isnt really going to see her child because of work and sleep time. I have custody of BD because BM has a drug problem and had her children removed for abuse/neglect. Due to her history I know what is comming with child care (every dope head in town). Can I seek modification based on her new work schedule?
Father's Issues / She just cant be a good mom
Oct 23, 2007, 08:13:44 PM
I am the CP of BD and have been battling my ex since 2003. I finally got custody in 2005 and expected she would fly far away (with her boyfriends and drugs). Wrong she has insisted on her visits and her father picks up and delivers for her to make sure she gets them. I recently dropped a court case because my lawyer didnt feel I had enough for supervised visits (the lawyer is still paid for and ready to pounce). I scheduled a meeting with ex,myself,my wife, and a counselor and ex admitted to certain violations in our court orders. The counselor offered her some help but she refused and gave her some advice (dont bring men home when you have your kids). What does ex do? She meets a worker at the fair and drags him home last weekend when she had her kids,left her kids alone with him and he proceeded to spank the kids. She has lost her kids because of abuse and is ordered not to use physical punishment. I would like to know what to do in this case. She does have a drug problem also. She is good at doing just enough to look good. Keeps a job, has an apartment (one bedroom and drags men home), and a car (her Daddy keeps most of this going). Should I just move off or rely on the courts?
Father's Issues / RE: What should I do?
Sep 30, 2007, 02:07:55 PM
After her stunt with the counselor. My wife set up a meeting with me,my wife, and BM. BM did admit during this session that she has had ex around my daughter (of course she has a reason for it). BM was a basket case she couldnt quit crying and kept saying I cant handle this. I cant make it with all this child support and everyone after me.Counselor basically told her she suspects she isnt off drugs and offerred her free help. BM turned it down stating "those classes just make you think about drugs". She was also offered parenting classes and counseling but said she was too busy. The counselor did say if I deny visits due to ex being around she would testify to her knowledge of it and told BM if it were her child she would not have child again after allowing ex around. I talked to my attorney and his response was I can file contempts now but everyone seems to think she is back on the drugs and obviously spiraling out of control so we could wait. He said we will always have the contempt. BM has been doing hair follicle drug testing but it isnt court ordered. CPS makes her do them when they open cases on her. My attorney said whats the point of getting drug tests ordered we all know she is on them and I would have to pay for her drug test if I request it.
Father's Issues / RE: You wont believe this!!!
Sep 26, 2007, 07:53:26 PM
My post probably wasnt that clear. I am the BF and I am not surprised about the BM ex boyfriend being around. I am shocked that the mother showed up at the childs counselors office to intimidate her into not telling. I live in Texas and I have had so much on her but it is almost impossible to prove these things. I hate the torture this is on my daughter. I have been told to go to Oklahoma and they are a lot stricter on NCP and very hard on parents with her history. Anyone live in Oklahoma? She came back positive on another drug test but her lawyer is arguing it was second hand (it was hair follicle and it isnt the first positive) and apparantly judges will buy this crap. I am just tired of dealing with it and it seems we pay the price for her drug problem.
Father's Issues / You wont believe this!!!
Sep 26, 2007, 05:38:21 PM
I have a court order that my daughter cant have contact with her BM ex boyfriend due to abuse/neglect. I found out that the boyfriend was at the BM house over the weekend with my daughter. The BM showed up at my daughters counseling appt yesterday. She has never showed for one. My daughter told me her BM showed up to keep her from telling the counselor that the boyfriend had been around. I am sick of dealing with it. What do I do? I cant exactly prove it.
Father's Issues / What should I do?
Sep 24, 2007, 06:38:37 PM
Seems my ex is back to her old tricks again. She insists on showing up for the two hour visits on Thursdays. I knew something was up because she parks on the street (down from my house) and stands at the end of the driveway while her eleven year old comes to the door. She has a drug problem so I figured she was back at it. I just found out it is beacause her car has so much crap in it there is no seat for my daughter to sit in and of course no seat belt. I drove to her apartment to check it out when I was told this and sure enough you would think she lives in it. NASTY!! My question is when Thursday gets here what is the best action to take. I really need to get it on video since we are currently in a court battle where I am seeking supervised visits. She is professing what a good mother she is.