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Main Forums => Father's Issues => Topic started by: MYSONSDAD on Feb 07, 2005, 07:13:20 PM

Title: Petition, is everyone sleeping?
Post by: MYSONSDAD on Feb 07, 2005, 07:13:20 PM

To:  State of Illinois Governor and Legislators

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED CITIZENS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS DO HEREBY DEMAND AND PETITION the General Assembly and Governor Rod R.Blagojevich, to support and to sign into law, legislation that will promote and implement an end to the systematic and criminally negligent violation of family's in our family court system and supported by the many cooperative agencies that profit from this adversarial industry of Marital Dissolution. Primary issues of grave concern to the undersigned as follows: Presumption of Equal Custody, An end to Discrimination in the areas of Domestic Violence and Equality of Justice. Improved and independent regulation of the Department of Children and Family Services. An end to Paternity Fraud, An end to standard practices of the courts that are recognized as direct violations of American Civil Rights, A return to ethical and moral sanity as it relates to Child Support, Child Support Arrearage's and the assessment or enforcement of same.(Noting changes attributable to Equal Custody) Accountability and independent regulation of members of the BAR to include the Judiciary that practice and administer in family court. Noting the above, self regulated agencies are clearly an invitation to complacence and the misconception of immunity, No one is above the law of this land. It is our belief that there are many remedies to what has been presented herein with a return to lawful administration and determined enforcement of individual civil rights already in place and provided for in our State and National Constitutions. Also protections for families as a whole should be considered mandatory legislation. Further, we recognize that families in transition or suffering through, at times unavoidable change should be aided and assisted by any means available and not ruthlessly and maliciously preyed upon by the many profiteers of our current system of dissolution. Quite literally, the very lives and futures of many Americans are at stake here and we as loving parents will no longer tolerate the rampant denial and abuse of OUR children.

Although this petition is specifically addressed to the Governor and legislators of the State of Illinois from the people of Illinois, we welcome the signatures and opinions of all Americans and citizens of other Nations with common grievances.



The Undersigned

View Current Signatures



The FAMILY RIGHTS Petition to State of Illinois Governor and Legislators was created by Members of and for Family and written by Robert G. Lasheff Jr..  This petition is hosted here at // as a public service. There is no endorsement of this petition, express or implied, by Artifice, Inc. or our sponsors. For technical support please use our simple Petition Help form.

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Title: RE: Petition
Post by: Davy on Feb 08, 2005, 04:49:55 PM
That pretty much says it all !  They even used the word 'DEMAND' instead of 'purdy plez.  Hopefully efforts like this petition grow legs.

Makes me think I might be mellowing.  
Title: RE: Petition
Post by: Hawkeye on Feb 09, 2005, 10:54:16 AM
bump.... hope everyone on SPARC signs this. visit //

Let's all make more noise in 2005... Start making PUBLIC complaints of unfair lawyers and judges!!!

 Maybe there is something like this in YOUR state!
Title: I signed
Post by: c_alexander on Feb 13, 2005, 11:48:00 PM
I signed, however I have noticed recently a sharp decrease in the number of "regulars" here. I am not sure why everyone is leaving.
Title: Wide awake at 3am.
Post by: kitten on Feb 14, 2005, 03:31:27 AM
Title: RE: Wide awake at 3am.
Post by: c_alexander on Feb 14, 2005, 04:17:40 AM
sleep who needs sleep?
Title: RE: Wide awake at 3am.
Post by: kitten on Feb 14, 2005, 04:37:57 AM
Sleep is so over rated anyway...
Insomnia gives me an excuse to be bitchy all day!
Title: Kitten, how are you doing?....
Post by: Genie on Feb 14, 2005, 09:51:28 AM
is everything going Ok with you, the kids and possibly Will?  I hope there has been some sort of resolution here and things have been OK for you and your children.
Title: RE: I signed
Post by: MYSONSDAD on Feb 14, 2005, 10:31:39 AM
I noticed that too. Only a handful are left that keep up the fight. We used to work as a group and have had great results. Working together is the only way.
"Children learn what they live"
Title: RE: Kitten, how are you doing?....
Post by: kitten on Feb 14, 2005, 11:25:59 AM
Thanks for asking, Genie.  The kids moved to Alaska on Jan. 9th.  Will is devestated, the kids are suffering.  SF is emotionally abusive and spanking alot.  PBFH is taking Will back to mediation in March to reduce his visitation even further, I hope that bites her in the a$$.  So far, she has gotten everything she wanted.  Will and I are doing much better, seeing a couples counselor to help us through this, help us learn how to cope with Will's grief.  It's hard, but we are doing very well.  We love each other deeply.  Learning lots of patience....

My girls miss the kids terribly as do I.  Taking it day by day, court date by court date.  It just never ends.
Title: RE: Kitten, how are you doing?....
Post by: MYSONSDAD on Feb 14, 2005, 11:45:21 AM
Going thru a tragedy of this level will only make your relationship stronger. Glad your both working thru this mess and have each other to draw strength from.

I have read several articles on parents losing their children. It is worse then grieving a death. There is no finallity to it.

There is an ALL States ban for spanking. Somewhere in my files, I have the link. Posted it some time ago.

P.S. If those kids are miserable, you can bet your ass, so is she...

Keep that PI on it, they might come up with something, like child endangerment or abuse.

"Children learn what they live"
Title: RE: Kitten, how are you doing?....
Post by: kitten on Feb 14, 2005, 12:21:27 PM
If you can find the link, I would appreciate it.
Title: RE: Kitten, how are you doing?....
Post by: kitten on Feb 14, 2005, 12:26:15 PM

>P.S. If those kids are miserable, you can bet your ass, so is

They are both "born again".  This is the Christian way to them, she believes this is the role of man and wife.  The man administers whatever punishment he sees fit and the wife supports him no matter what.  She turns a blind eye to the abuse of her children.  She is a sick, weak woman and he is a very dangerous man.  
Title: RE: Kitten, how are you doing?....
Post by: MYSONSDAD on Feb 14, 2005, 05:07:55 PM
I tried finding the one I wanted you to see, but can not find it. If I find it later, I will post. Maybe the person I posted this to originally can post it.

Here are some others:

"Children learn what they live"
Title: Thank you, MSD
Post by: kitten on Feb 17, 2005, 08:51:30 AM