SPARC Forums
Main Forums => Father's Issues => Topic started by: FIRM on Nov 06, 2005, 06:44:48 AM
The below letter is being sent to political leaders nationwide, along with a copy of the Eagle Forum document that is mentioned in it. Both contain important information for citizens to understand. I recommend reading them, and joining Eagle Forum and the American Coalition for Fathers and Children. These organizations are doing tremendously important work, and if we all give them a small amount of our resources, they will be able to accomplish their and our goals.
Letter to nationwide leaders:
Dear Mr. Perkins, the October 2005 Phyllis Schlafly Report reads: "It's a political mystery why Republicans continue to put a billion dollars a year of taxpayers' money into the hands of radical feminists who use it to preach their anti-marriage and anti-male ideology, to promote divorce, to corrupt the family court system, and to engage in anti-family political advocacy." With Republicans in full control of the federal executive and legislative branches, why are they giving pro-abortion and pro-same sex marriage feminists a tremendous amount of resources, which will eventually be used against us? And why is the Family Research Council silent about this?
VAWA isn't the only huge boost conservative leaders give to their enemies. In every child custody case, the moment the first document is filed, both parents' rights are de facto extinguished and control of their kids automatically and permanently transfers to the government. This leads to tremendous harm to children and society, and a major transfer of wealth from citizens to attorneys and social workers. About one third of trial court litigation is family law related, and the Tennessee lawyer's PAC donates far more to members of our state legislature than any other PAC. The money trail starts at the broken families, goes to attorneys, who then fund the campaigns of liberal politicians. Again, conservatives are virtually unanimous in their silence, to their own detriment.
What must happen is conservative leaders identify and then disseminate all of the proper concepts to be used in family law. Having not done so, is giving liberals a wide-open playing field to advance their harmful agenda. An example is the just decided case In re the Parentage of: L.B. from the Washington State Supreme Court. This ruling expanded the established classes of parents from those connected to minors by biology and adoption, to anyone the judiciary declares is a "de facto" parent. What the judges are doing is bestowing upon themselves the power to assign any individual to be a child's "parent", including 2 moms or dads, or even in at least one case 3 "parents". They can do this because no major conservative group is providing elected officials with guidance to enact a simple bill defining parent as one biological male and female per child, or if deceased or their parental rights have been terminated, the child can be adopted by one other male and/or female.
At the center of all of this, and other issues of interest to conservatives such as parents determining what information their child will be exposed to in school, is the parent v. parent custody case. There an exception is being carved out where constitutional protections to not apply, and this is negatively impacting more and more other areas where the judiciary comes in contact with parents and children. Presently even legislators who wish to reform these actions, give up with the statement the parents are both equals, so we must let a judge be the tiebreaker for them. In the real world that doesn't result in the best interest of children being served, and it isn't even necessary for the judge to assume the role of primary decision maker, it can simply be rotated between the mom and dad. But in vast numbers children will continue to not be parented by their true mom and dad, and the corrupting to other areas of law will continue, until conservative leaders begin disseminating the proper solutions.
Link to Phyllis Schlafly Report and to join Eagle Forum:
Link to join ACFC: