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Main Forums => Father's Issues => Topic started by: Qwkprlspnr on Oct 30, 2007, 10:34:53 PM
Could someone please clarify what the term "concede" means before I get into details about my situation. I hope it does'nt mean what I think it does. Thanks for any information. < Lost & Frustrated
Merriam-Webster definition:
Main Entry: con·cede
Pronunciation: \kən-ˈsēd\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): con·ced·ed; con·ced·ing
Etymology: French or Latin; French concéder, from Latin concedere, from com- + cedere to yield
Date: 1626
transitive verb
1: to grant as a right or privilege
2 a: to accept as true, valid, or accurate b: to acknowledge grudgingly or hesitantly
intransitive verb
: to make concession : yield
synonyms see grant
— con·ced·ed·ly \-ˈsē-dəd-lē\ adverb
— con·ced·er noun
Learn something new every day.
is pretty much the same as your defs!
Conceded custody is usually when no defense / not contested is given to a proposed custody arrangement and the plantiff (CP) usually gets everything they asked for.
Isn't it?
Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.
Mark Twain