SPARC Forums

Main Forums => Custody Issues => Topic started by: flewwellin on Dec 30, 2004, 10:41:27 AM

Title: What can I file to prevent this happening again?
Post by: flewwellin on Dec 30, 2004, 10:41:27 AM
Well we were supposed to get the kids on the 26th until jan 2nd.  We ran into some really bad winter weather on the way up to Virginia to meet the BM to pick kids up.  Got to Raleigh NC and lost control of vehicle and ended up in a ditch.  Really bad driving conditions and not safe for the kids. There were no snow plows out on the interstates no salt trucks nothing.  We are from southern north carolina and rarely see snow so even with the best of driving, it was still very unsafe.  We called BM and told her we would call her back when we can arrange to get a different car for the trip.  Mind you court papers say we must meet them at 2 pm and it isn't even 8 am yet, our drive is a 4 hr drive.  By the time we get home we find another car we call her back and she doesn't answer.  And doesn't return msg's.  On the 27th WE call her back and ask what is going on?  She had left our two kids ages 5 & 3, with her cousin in PA and flew with her boyfriend to Wisconsin!!  I couldn't believe it!  So we FINALLY get up with her and she says that her mother was going up to PA to get the kids and we could get them on the 31st and bring them back to VA on the 2nd.  We were livid.  Needless to say just to be nice my hubby the kids BD is being way too nice and letting the grandparents keep them till today.  So after work we will go and get them.  I am so angry and need to know if there is anything I can file to take to court about this?  Maybe visitation interference?  I know techniqually we could have gone to the grandparents house to get them and should couldn't say anything.  But is there anything that can be filed in court to prevent this from happening again??  Sorry this is so long thought you'd need the history on sittuation before giving an opinion.

thanks, flewwellin