SPARC Forums
Main Forums => Custody Issues => Topic started by: hagatha on Jan 01, 2006, 03:49:32 PM
I am glad sd is finally coming around. I too miss SAM and the old regulars. I have been out of touch for a while. A new job interferred with my time here.
Things are ok here. Well, as ok as ever. My grand daughter just turned a year old and is the light of my life. Her mother has become a huge PITA. But she is still young and still learning. We are having big problems with the baby's bio-father. He has recently filed for visitation and that will never be alowed. Since he is still in state custody for the beating he gave my D and there is a 10 yr stay away order. I doubt any judge will force my D to travel 3 hrs each way for the baby to see the father for 1 supervised hour. We are looking at termination and adoption. My FSIL has already signed the acknowlegment of paternity and is listed as father on the BC.
The brat is always around. Boy do I remember a time when she was the biggest brat and I didn't want to deal with her or her mother ever again. We still deal with crap at times but since she is 21 now, she gets to make the choice about who she wants to see herself. (Can you believe I have two 21 yr old kids??) She was here for christmas, (slept over christmas eve too) It was the fist time she woke up here ever! I was so glad she decided to be with us.
My son is getting on my last nerve. He still hates school and continues to fight me about going every day. Homework gets done when he remembers to write down what he has to complete. Since he hates school, homework is not usually a priority with him. But other than that he is doing good. He is almost 15 now and I cannot believe how tall he has gotten since we took him off the stimulant meds.
Dh and I are pretty much living seperate lives. He continues to drink daily. I have distanced myself from his problems. I don't know if I will allow him to stay here much longer. He is not a nice drunk anymore. He's not physically abusive, but he can be a mean sarcastic jerk. I am kinda waiting for a better job to come through before I make such a big decision. Since we work different shifts, we don't see each other much and that helps.
I will e-mail you some pics of the baby. Hope this year is a wonderful year for you
The Witch
Remember . . . KARMA is a Wonderful Thing!!!!!