SPARC Forums

Main Forums => Visitation Issues => Topic started by: nosonew on Mar 22, 2005, 07:12:26 PM

Title: Question to you allll
Post by: nosonew on Mar 22, 2005, 07:12:26 PM
Okay, as NCP for many, many years...fighting, spending close to 20 grand JUST to get already ORDERED decided to live with us all of a sudden and told the powers that be. So he has been here for 1.5 years. or so. BM not happy.

Okay, she is continually accusing me of false things. Late for meetings, refusal to meet, etc. So I said, "DISENGAGE" "I will NO longer meet you!" She is now requesting mileage for the extra miles (she moved when ss moved to our home, we used to live 5 blocks apart).

After 10 friggin years, 20 thousand dollars my dh spent to SEE his son, she wants FRIGGIN PAID to see her son! And our case mgr sounds like she is just going to give it to her! What the F is wrong with this picture?

I am not only disgusted, but literally sick!
Title: RE: Question to you allll
Post by: Kboeds on Mar 22, 2005, 09:50:43 PM
Did DH have custody legally changed when ss moved in with the two of you?
Is there still a CS order in place?
DH does not have to pay travel to visit BM unless the court papers say so.
I live in Texas and last Oct custody was changed from me to BF, I have reason to believe BF may move DD out of the state, so our court papers state that if he moves over 100 miles from the county that we live in he has to pay all transportation cost for DD to see me during my visitation. If he does not move then I am responsible.

My DH's children live in MI and since he is the one who moved, he is responsible for all travel expenses to get the kids to Texas for visitation.

My point is, that in most cases, the person who moves is responsible for the cost, unless the parties agree to split the expense.
You may have to spend more money to get it in the order. What state do you live in? do they have a Friend of the Court or similar service? That could save you some money.

Title: RE: Question to you allll
Post by: kiddosmom on Mar 24, 2005, 06:14:53 PM
Noso... Just deny it since she moved she can pay the extra...