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Main Forums => Visitation Issues => Topic started by: kittencaboodle on Jul 14, 2005, 07:47:54 AM

Title: I told you there'd be an update
Post by: kittencaboodle on Jul 14, 2005, 07:47:54 AM
So.. What happened?

Well,  my husband dropped the kids off at 5:15 with  the ex and her "redneck". She snarled something about 6 pm Friday at him and then stalked off.  Hubby didn't respond at all.

We arrive at 8:25 for the 8:30 pick up and she's not there.

8:30 comes and goes.
8:45 At this point, I'm just flabbergasted. I figured she'd have to be absolutely retarded to pull this crap. Apparently, she IS absolutely retarded.  My husband said he'd give her a call and leave a message. I said: "Be careful, she'll probably answer just to try and bait you since you didn't react to her at drop-off."

So, he calls and begins leaving a message, when... low and behold... Guess who picks up?

So, he tells her she's late and she tells him she already told him she wasn't bringing them. Did I call that one or what. He says goodnight to the kids and we drive to the police station to file our report. He leaves a message for his lawyer.

We get to the police station, and are informed they won't take a report for this. It's a civil matter. We have to talk to our attorney. We tell the guy behind the desk, we DID talk to our attorney and he told us to file a report. They won't do it so fine. They were totally unhelpful and obviously just wanted us out of there.

So we left another message for the attorney. We'll see what happens next.
Title: RE: I told you there'd be an update
Post by: Brent on Jul 14, 2005, 12:03:31 PM
He really needs to be documenting every bit of this with a journal and/or the service.

>We arrive at 8:25 for the 8:30 pick up and she's not there.
>8:30 comes and goes.
>8:45 At this point, I'm just flabbergasted. I figured she'd
>have to be absolutely retarded to pull this crap. Apparently,
>she IS absolutely retarded.  My husband said he'd give her a
>call and leave a message. I said: "Be careful, she'll probably
>answer just to try and bait you since you didn't react to her
>at drop-off."
>So, he calls and begins leaving a message, when... low and
>behold... Guess who picks up?
>So, he tells her she's late and she tells him she already told
>him she wasn't bringing them. Did I call that one or what. He
>says goodnight to the kids and we drive to the police station
>to file our report. He leaves a message for his lawyer.
>We get to the police station, and are informed they won't take
>a report for this. It's a civil matter. We have to talk to our
>attorney. We tell the guy behind the desk, we DID talk to our
>attorney and he told us to file a report. They won't do it so
>fine. They were totally unhelpful and obviously just wanted us
>out of there.
>So we left another message for the attorney. We'll see what
>happens next.
Title: RE: I told you there'd be an update
Post by: kittencaboodle on Jul 14, 2005, 12:47:53 PM
>He really needs to be documenting every bit of this with a
>journal and/or the service.

I have the parenting time tracker from here.  I use it diligently.  
Title: RE: I told you there'd be an update
Post by: charlie967 on Jul 14, 2005, 09:52:00 PM
Just wondering if you heard back from your attorney.  I found myself thinking about that today.  I hope it all goes your way!!  :-)
Title: RE: I told you there'd be an update
Post by: kittencaboodle on Jul 15, 2005, 10:46:51 AM
>Just wondering if you heard back from your attorney.  I found
>myself thinking about that today.  I hope it all goes your
>way!!  :-)

So far, not yet.  But...  We also discovered that my husband may not have been leaving messages like he thought.  He's always hung up after leaving a message on the guy's VM.  Well, today he hung on the line because he wanted to talk to the receptionist.  After a few seconds he was informed to press # to send his message.  D'oh!  

He talked to the receptionist and she said she wasn't sure if the messages were saved or not if # wasn't pressed.  Double D'oh!

So...  I've married a man who is capable of creating worlds in his head, right down to weather patterns...  

But he can't figure out a voicemail system.  LOL  

The lawyer is supposed to be in touch in the next 15 minutes.  
Title: Update to my update
Post by: kittencaboodle on Jul 15, 2005, 02:16:23 PM
Hubby talked to the lawyer.  The lawyer HADN'T gotten his messages before, but now he knows.  

And we are definately supposed to pick up the kids this weekend, as Ex informed us, and not give them to her next weekend.  

In any case, this woman is about to find out there are consequences for her actions.  

About damn time!
Title: RE: Update to my update
Post by: gipsy on Jul 22, 2005, 11:15:05 PM
My pick up is at Mcdonalds , My atty said if she doesn't show then get a coke and use the time dated reciept to document that you were there , Secondly sometimes atty's don't file contempt right away , And they charge a lot of money , Well My atty recomends that you file it your self , And just be civil and tell the commissioner she has not been provideng the kids at the right time and place . And She has to hire an atty or talk to one or respond . If she doesn't respond after legal service ,and show at court ,you can file a default ,
 But you won't be likely to get her on a contempt for a few tries , But each time she has to respond , And by the time you get the contempt fileing down by doing it your self then you will get a contempt on her , He also recomends pro se litigants get a CD of the hearing each time so you can get better at the contempt procedure , Also ask for makeup time , My atty files contempt every time , On the theory that when you file enough time's eventually the court gets it , And I have read people on this site posted that after like the 5th contempt the Judge or commissioner , changed custody , Or has done substantial things to the mother to make her comply ,
   I fired an atty that would not file contempt , But said he does it for $1,500 ,And hired one that would , And that help's pro se guy's do it , Also Just call the court with pen and paper in hand and see if they have court house facilitater's in your area , And go get the contempt papers and have the court stamp it and have her served , My cousin filed contempt pro se , With the help of my atty , And the mother cut it out because She now knows he is serious , I also assisted , I showed up at the first transfer during the time he filed  contempt with a video camera , And Popped it up when they started acting up and this also helped a bit ,  It was even a bit comical , the way they put the middle finger away when I put the video camera on them
   Get those contempts in every time and eventually the court may change custody
Title: RE: I told you there'd be an update
Post by: wendl on Jul 26, 2005, 06:26:22 PM
Well that is crappy that the cops wouldn't file a report AREN'T they civil servents???????

I would ask to talk to the supervisor on shift as SHE IS breaking a COURT ORDER signed by a judge/commissioner and AREN'T they suppose uphold the LAW????

Just my opinion but that is BS.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**
Title: RE: I told you there'd be an update
Post by: kittencaboodle on Jul 27, 2005, 07:03:15 AM
I agree...  They said, however, they can only intervene if it is a criminal matter, otherwise we need to talk to our lawyer and go back to court.  


We're going to try the county police this weekend, since one of my friends told me she was able to have the county cops there, even though the city police officers wouldn't come.