SPARC Forums

Main Forums => General Issues => Topic started by: MixedBag on Feb 21, 2004, 11:55:17 AM

Title: Davy -- why do you ignore your PMs?
Post by: MixedBag on Feb 21, 2004, 11:55:17 AM
Geez, I would have liked to discuss a subject with you off the boards, via PM messages, but nope, you haven't replied at all and I've left two messages (posts) to give you the clue you have a PM to begin with.

What's up?

Now, you can forget what I wanted to discuss and it would have been a friendly discussion.

I don't like the way you argue with everyone on the boards and won't take it to PMs or off the boards.

I believe that a while ago, you were warned by Admin not to continue your  behavior.
Title: RE: hmmmm...
Post by: Indigo Mom on Feb 21, 2004, 04:23:09 PM
with all these little "PM's" flying around, one (me) might get a little "peeved" cause no ones pm'in me!

The next time I log on, if my pm thing isn't overflowing with pm's...I'm gonna explode!

Now, before you all send me my pm's...could you explain to me "how" I find them?  Is it possible I just don't know where to find them?  Could I have a bunch and just not know it????

I thank you in advance for the pm's I'm (hopefully) about to get.

Title: RE: hmmmm...
Post by: kiddosmom on Feb 21, 2004, 04:41:18 PM
when you recieve a PM, a little red flag will be flying above where they put announcements.
Click on it and it will take you to your inbox.

OR you can click the profile or user menu thing thing (i believe) and then find your inbox
Title: You have a PM from me
Post by: MixedBag on Feb 22, 2004, 07:01:02 AM
I usually click on the person's name and then that takes me to their profile.

Most people here have it all in place.

Then I click "send a PM" and write.

So, did you get it and figure it out?

And nope, Davy still hasn't replied.
Title: RE: Mixedbag --- did not ignore PM
Post by: Davy on Feb 22, 2004, 09:34:11 PM

Received a message from  "[email protected]" on 02/18 at 10:28 pm and cordially and respectfully responded at 11:12 pm on the same date.
After noticing your post (under Gender Bias) from you saying I have a PM I looked/watched for a second PM but never received a second PM
so I initiated a RESEND on 02/19 at 08:37 pm and have yet to receive a response from you.  I know of no other way to communicate with you privately except via the 'from' email address.  You should now have one of my personal email addresses so you can conveniently email at anytime.  Are you able to check for received mail at the address noted above ?  

I really wonder why you would post to anyone saying "You have a PM" instead of just sending the message itself.    

Of course, my message was kind and friendly but fairly brief so I assummed you  either disagreed with my expressed focus on the well-being of children OR you chose not to communicate.  I will be more than happy to communicate privately if you choose and as time permits.  On the other hand, there is nothing I would say privately that I wouldn't say publicately but understand why you have/had a concern.

Otherwise, the rest of your post is simply irrelevant or untrue and does not purport to the purpose of this board.  
Title: RE: Mixedbag --- did not ignore PM
Post by: MixedBag on Feb 23, 2004, 06:42:44 AM
If you take a look at my profie, I've disabled the e-mail choice of sending me an e-mail.

I don't know what you mean by initiating a "resend" -- haven't even seen that option on this I guess I'll take some time to see if I can figure out what you're talking about.

I've sent ONE pm.

The PM I sent is a separate function from the e-mail system on this board.

I guess we start with -- did you get the first one?

And then by hitting "reply" I should get an answer back.

Title: Mixedbag --- communication was encouraged
Post by: Davy on Feb 23, 2004, 08:47:46 AM

I am receiving / sending emails from / to a "[email protected]" like normal using the widely available personal email manager Outlook Express and it has always worked.

The "resend" terminology I used is simply what I thought to be commonly understood verbage to depict a subsequent  "reply" with all the time stamp information when it appears an email receiver did not respond perhaps because they inadvertently deleted the email or for other reasons.  The overall meaning to the term  "resend"  is that one is encouraging another to communicate or respond.  

Is your personal email manager AOL ?  Is the noted AOL mail address one that you are familiar and do you know how to use the AOL mail manager (ie receive/send) ??  IF you would respond either myself or someone else may be able to assist you...perhaps SPARC admin.

It appears my SPARC email notification is set on.

The bottom line is that this thread saying Davy does not respond is entirely BOGUS.  Even worse it is the direct opposite of what actually happened.  

For whatever reason it appears you are unable or unwilling to communicate once you send a PM.  

Title: SPARC Techies -- HELP on this -- an I explaining this wrong?
Post by: MixedBag on Feb 23, 2004, 11:48:50 AM
Davy, I do not communicate via e-mail to other folks.

You might receive something that identifies my e-mail address which you have correct....but to get a PM, you have to use this site.

Have you ever tried to retrieve a "PERSONAL MESSAGE" using the system set up within this site?  (NOT E-MAIL, that's separate).

I send and receive PMs all the time....but won't ask folks to confirm this because then my "fan club" of EXs will know who my "friends" are -- and I think that you understand this....(ref Miss Manners -- she can still read the boards).
Title: O.K., I found an e-mail
Post by: MixedBag on Feb 23, 2004, 11:56:37 AM
but never received a PM.

Davy do you understand that they are two different systems?
Title: OK the risk of ruining my reputation....
Post by: Davy on Feb 23, 2004, 12:58:18 PM
... I thought a Personal Massage was given by a Personal Trainer or in my case the same shampoo girl (19 yrs).

I am not familiar with Sparc's PM system but have sent 2 messages (kiddos,?pd) in the past and never received (to my knowledge) a response..clearly because I was not familiar with the system.  I just received your email ... including "lips" as a keyword to SPAM is probably the reason my email was eliminated.  I will try to copy/paste my original responses into PM and send.
Title: It finally worked
Post by: MixedBag on Feb 23, 2004, 04:53:30 PM
you have a PM back from me....
