SPARC Forums

Main Forums => Dear Socrateaser => Topic started by: forthekids24 on Jan 05, 2006, 02:13:04 PM

Title: How to word part of a stipulation
Post by: forthekids24 on Jan 05, 2006, 02:13:04 PM
Made an offer to BM to settle everything

I want part of the new stipulation to have a quarterly academic review in it.  If the children's GPA drops below a certain level BM's visitation during the school week will be scaled back.

What is the best way to word this?

Will it be enforceable?

Will there have to be a hearing at that point to change the visitation schedule?

Title: RE: How to word part of a stipulation
Post by: socrateaser on Jan 05, 2006, 05:11:50 PM
>What is the best way to word this?
>Will it be enforceable?
>Will there have to be a hearing at that point to change the
>visitation schedule?

Before we start trying to word something, do you have an agreement in principle from the other parent on this exact issue IN WRITING? If not, then get one and then come back to me.