SPARC Forums

Main Forums => Dear Socrateaser => Topic started by: autandwynnie on Dec 22, 2006, 05:32:53 PM

Title: CP & visitation
Post by: autandwynnie on Dec 22, 2006, 05:32:53 PM
I have sole physical & legal custody.  NCP pays $1200 a month in CP.  We live 700 miles apart.

1.  If children visit NCP for 4 weeks in the summer, does he have the right to withhold CP for that time?

2.  In the event of an emergency & he is unreachable, does his fiance have decison making authority or will they have to call me?  Does he even have decison making authority?

Title: RE: CP & visitation
Post by: socrateaser on Dec 22, 2006, 05:48:45 PM
>I have sole physical & legal custody.  NCP pays $1200 a month
>in CP.  We live 700 miles apart.
>1.  If children visit NCP for 4 weeks in the summer, does he
>have the right to withhold CP for that time?

If your orders say yes, then yes, otherwise no.

>2.  In the event of an emergency & he is unreachable, does his
>fiance have decison making authority or will they have to call
>me?  Does he even have decison making authority?

If your orders say yes, then yes, otherwise no.

No pun. The answers are identical.