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Main Forums => Dear Socrateaser => Topic started by: jenjen on Jan 30, 2007, 04:20:35 AM

Title: divorce and refinance
Post by: jenjen on Jan 30, 2007, 04:20:35 AM
divorce and refinance"

           state of florida

just divorced and have to refinance home to take out x's share of equity,
judge has ordered the amount of that equity


1. how is this done with both our names on the first mortgage?

2. does the person being broughtout have to quick claim the deed before the other can refinance?

3. should i tell the lender that i'm trying to refinance due to a divorce?

4. what type of appraisal is the best, most detailed to get the homes true value?

5. If the market changed what happens if the home's value is not what it was thought to be and the equity ordered is not there?  
as always   thank you so much in advance
Title: RE: divorce and refinance
Post by: socrateaser on Jan 30, 2007, 07:59:27 AM
Not enough facts:

1. How is title presently taken (husband and wife, joint tenants, etc.)?

2. What are the EXACT orders in your judgment/decree concerning the real property (e.g, did the judge order title conveyed/vested in one party, or judge the equity divided)?

3. Is your goal to refinance all the loan value of the property into your name, or just the equity (or did the court order you to refinance the entire loan value and the equity)?
Title: RE: divorce and refinance
Post by: jenjen on Jan 31, 2007, 01:06:15 AM
Havent recieved final judgement/decree yet will get back to you