SPARC Forums

Main Forums => Child Support Issues => Topic started by: Rianne on Oct 24, 2005, 06:03:55 AM

Title: Child Support Accountability?
Post by: Rianne on Oct 24, 2005, 06:03:55 AM
My son has been killing himself working in order to keep up with his child support payments and hasn't kept up very well.  He and his current g/f had a baby and he got behind trying to support everybody while she was on maternity leave.  Unless he comes up with 500.00 in a week he'll go to jail.  His ex g/f refuses to bring any diapers or clothing over for the kids when we have them for 3 days a week.  He has been buying diapers and clothing every weekend plus trying to make support payments.  

In the meantime, his ex g/f was bragging at work about how her new b/f wanted her to go rent a motel room so they could party in it.  She did and then told everyone how she got him drunk and took advantage of him.  It looks like my son's hard earned money is going to suppport the ex and her b/f's funtime.
She always has her hair and nails professionally done and the children have no new clothes, etc.

Is there a petition I could sign to support child support accountability?  I've been a single mom and could account for every dime.  This sort of behavior just sickens me.  Are there any father's rights groups or any group trying to fight for accountability?  If there is a bandwagon like that I sure want to get on!  Thank you.
Title: RE: Child Support Accountability?
Post by: sherrie ohio on Oct 24, 2005, 10:56:09 AM
Did your son go to the support office and try an get the amount reduced after the second chid?Most state's will reduce when another child is born.As far as the clothes deal,i buy some outfits for the child while  there.And keep them there,and just wash up the outfit she sends the child in back on the child when you return him or her.          As to her behavior theres not much you can do.We deal with a BM that spends the money on self also.And if she sends any clothing along its old,dirty os cant fit.So i feel for your son.I know the info ive given you most likely wont help the problem now.But if he hasnt reported haveing another child,he should.Keep comeing back to the site,someone else may have better info.              Best of luck,i'll be thinking of you all.
Title: It will never work.
Post by: cinb85 on Oct 25, 2005, 11:09:30 AM
Those like myself who are truly spending the CS on the children would have no problem showing accountability of CS.  But, those who are sneaky and deceitful will just provide false information to prove accountability.   They will never admit that they don't spend the CS on the children!

I just wish that I had some CS that I could be accountable for!  My ex ignores his CS obligations.  

Does your son's state take the time spent with the children into the equation when figuring child support?  In NJ if the NCP spends half the time with the children, then the child support gets reduced.  

Good luck!