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Main Forums => Child Support Issues => Topic started by: Pyrealrat on Dec 01, 2009, 05:41:49 AM

Title: Ordered to pay to birth @16 1/2 years old
Post by: Pyrealrat on Dec 01, 2009, 05:41:49 AM
I found out i had a 16 1/2 year old daughter thru a DNA test.
The mother had sex with 2 different men during the time she became pregnant and didn't know who the father was.  But the magistrate informed me that I should have known this was my child even without a DNA test.

This case was taken into her home county when the child was 6 months old. At this time the mother of the child asked the judge to dismiss the proceedings because she did not want anything to do with either man. The proceedings were dismissed until.....

16 years later I get hit with a full child support bill @ 33,000 dollars.

When the DNA test came back the Child Support attorney had already made up the decision and papers of what I was going to pay.At this time I requested an attorney, to which the child support attorney tells me, " This isnt a matter you need a lawyer for."  I guess he was right because the child support agency has not budged from the original figures.

Ohio Child Support laws state that if a child is over 3 years of age at the time of a DNA test the child support starts at the time of the DNA test.   She is 16 1/2, has a child of her own at this age, Has quit school and working a fulltime job. Sounds close to being a responsible adult to me. 

Because the mother was on welfare I am ordered to pay this back,  however the child support agency has not taken into account that the mother remarried and had 3 more children. So this magistrate has ordered me to pay back welfare on 6 PEOPLE!!! he refuses or can not come up with the amount of money paid to my daughter thru welfare. Nor will he even acknowledge this point.

I have appealed this case twice to the magistrate, it has also been to the municipal judge twice. ( they are co-workers in the same courthouse, I really didnt expect the municipal judge to go against his co-workers decision). BTW all 4 times thru court the same decision, PAY UP SUCKER!!

I have even went as far as to offer a cash settlement in the amount of 5,000. Which is more than the payments between 16.5 - 18 years old. Again it was rejected.

The magistrate has ignored testimony in his open court, the magistrate has ignored the child support guidelines to set up support. the magistrate has come to a case finding without having the proper numbers from welfare to make a fair and informed decision.

My question is, I need this case out of the Kangaroo county it is in to be heard again from an impartial judge or panel. How can I do this??

I am frustrated because this agency can literally do anything they want to the payee of child support and make criminals out of law abiding citizens.  My drivers liscense is suspended, my passport has been revoked, and from the latest letter I have been turned over to a Federal program of some sorts and I have warrants out for my arrest.

I believe in paying my child support it is my obligation, I owe 1 more payment on my daughter in May and at this time she will be 19 1/2 years old. I wasnt always ontime but the bill is now paid.  I dont feel that it is fair they can come in and order me to pay for a child i did not raise or even know I had for that matter. Pay from 16.5-18 ok not all the way to birth and I'm sure as hell not paying back welfare on 6 people.  There is no Justice for the common man, only Just Us select few are above the laws.

Please help
Title: Re: Ordered to pay to birth @16 1/2 years old
Post by: Kitty C. on Dec 01, 2009, 07:45:40 AM
Wow...........all I can say

Just had a thought........go to ( - this guy is a father's right activist with a BIG media pull.  He REALLY needs to hear your story and if he can get it out in the media, it just might make those idiots in that Kangaroo County rethink how they're doing things there....
Title: Re: Ordered to pay to birth @16 1/2 years old
Post by: MixedBag on Dec 01, 2009, 01:22:58 PM
Sounds like to me you need to APPEAL which will take it OUT of their hands.

Title: Re: Ordered to pay to birth @16 1/2 years old
Post by: snowrose on Dec 01, 2009, 01:54:47 PM
Take it to the state Appeals court, so you can get it out of their hands.
Title: Re: Ordered to pay to birth @16 1/2 years old
Post by: Pyrealrat on Dec 28, 2009, 06:28:56 PM
Just an update,

I recieved papers from my attorney that this case has been submitted to a district appeals court.

I am wondering if this is overturned in my favor as I have no doubt  it should. Can my attorney file for personal hardship these people have caused me since 2005??  or are they above the law and can not be held responsible for thier irresponsibility??
Title: Re: Ordered to pay to birth @16 1/2 years old
Post by: snowrose on Dec 29, 2009, 12:22:51 PM
You can request costs for the new case, perhaps with interest.  What you'll get if you win will be dependent on what the state laws allow and/or what costs you can prove.  Talk to your attorney about this.