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Main Forums => Visitation Issues => Topic started by: IceMountain on Apr 02, 2004, 12:49:09 AM

Title: I need help understanding the schedule....
Post by: IceMountain on Apr 02, 2004, 12:49:09 AM
My ex and I have always gone against the court order and I have had visits on 1st and 3rd weekends, her 2nd and 4th and 5th for grandparents.  This schedule was nice, I'll admit it, it made it easy to plan.  However, we have decided to follow the decree from now on.

I am in the process of modifying my order.  Because of a 200 mile distance between us, I have proposed to have holiday weekends, as opposed to the original 9-6 schedule.  These holiday weekends would be irrespective of the EOW schedule.  

OK, this all sounds great, except when I try to put it on paper.  It's getting confusing.

ex. If I have the 2nd and 4th weekends in June and the 3rd is a holiday weekend (Father's Day) do I get all three weekends?  Or do I get the 1st and 2nd and then wait two weekends before my next visit?

I want to be able to highlight my EOW schedule on the calendar.   But when I tried to also highight what holiday weekends I would have we run into this 'glitch' twice next year.  In June I would get 3 weekends in a row and in December she would get 3 weekends in a row.

Does anybody have some insight on this????  

Thanks in advance

Title: RE: I need help understanding the schedule....
Post by: nosonew on Apr 02, 2004, 02:42:26 AM
BTDT. It is EASIEST to follow if you maintain a eow schedule with periodic 3 weekend visits in a row due to a holiday.  That was our preference if the other person was okay with it.  Ours wasn't and we had to change it to "EOW, if two weekend visits occur due to a holiday, the eow schedule continues following the last weekend visit, thus never having 3 weekends in a row".  This make sense?  It was difficult to follow, we usually had this occur at least 3 times per year, so, to make it easiest to follow, and schedule life in general, I would put something in there like "Occassionally 3 weekends in a row will occur due to holidays, and this will not disrupt the normal eow schedule" or something like that.  Good luck!
Title: RE: I need help understanding the schedule....
Post by: joni on Apr 02, 2004, 07:09:46 AM

if you're set on this revolving sort of schedule, you can simply put down that if Father's Day falls on another parties weekend, that holiday is switched with the party (your Ex or Grandparents) who's weekend fell on the holiday.
Title: RE: I need help understanding the schedule....
Post by: IceMountain on Apr 02, 2004, 10:57:43 AM
Thanks so much for the input!  

nosonew that's the way I want it to go, thanks for the additional wording that I will need to add to this proposed schedule.
Title: RE: I need help understanding the schedule....
Post by: wendl on Apr 02, 2004, 04:26:53 PM
usually  holidays and special occasions come before regular visits, so say you have the child for your regular visitation this weekend and next weekend is easter and its your holiday, well then the weekend of easter your ex would loose her weekend, you would still get the child the following weekend because it's not a holiday and it's your scheduled weekend.

Hope this makes sense.