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Main Forums => Dear Socrateaser => Topic started by: Teylas on May 05, 2005, 03:47:25 PM

Title: Child Support Services
Post by: Teylas on May 05, 2005, 03:47:25 PM
    I am in VA, my Ex and Children are in NC.  I received a letter last month stating that it was time for a review, so I sent them all the pertinent info.  Last week I called the Child Support office to follow up on the case.  The lady stated that she saw were it had a court date of May 25 but that it had been continued.  I received a call this morning from the office stating that the Child Support office had made a mistake and that my case was not up for review till 2007.  This afternoon I received a call from the same lady that said after they spoke to my Ex the case was to confusing for them to make a decision so it was going to court May 25th.

1.  What are my rights?
2.  Can do give me such sort notice to go to court?
3.  This office has made several mistakes and cost me thousands of dollars; can the Child Support Enforcement Office be sued?

Thank You,
Title: RE: Child Support Services
Post by: socrateaser on May 05, 2005, 03:59:11 PM
In which jurisdiction is the current support order filed?

With which State CSE are you dealing?

Whch State Court demands your appearance?

Did you move to VA, or did your ex and kids move to NC (how did you come to both live in different jurisdictions)?