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Messages - justlikemom

If you take my advise on tape recording make sure you view your state laws about tape recording.  I think you can record as long as its you and someone else is doing the conversating.  No ease dropping, I think thats when its illegal.  Check your state laws!
I'm so sorry you all are going through this.  This situation is similar to mine.  We got a lawyer and I'm wandering what did we pay for.  The things that the lawyer filed we could have filed our selves.  There were court appearances that, we were told lawyers were not allowed.  The system seems to totally favor the mother.  Dads are like 3rd class citizens.  We are having a hard time too.  Because every case is diffferent, it seems as though no one can give us real advise without the big dollars in there hands first.  We are trying to get joint custody at this time but we are very doubtful on how things will go.  We feel like we don't have a voice.  The law says one thing, but when you get in court, its like you are the bad guy and you don't even matter.  Its almost like you got to pray that the judge or the mediator is having a good day.  You dare not get upset in court because it seems as though they hold it against you.  Every little thing you do they are writting it down.  It seems as though the mother can do what ever she wants and its ok.  Far as the CPS case, they are usually good about finding out the truth.  When they find out she's lying, that will count against her.  In some cases I have heard that the lying parent lost custody.  Its a very serious thing when you make those kind of allegations.  They don't play around with lies.  So stay strong!  Make sure you document everything and I mean everything, no matter how little it seems.  My husband and I have started to tape all phone conversations.  When we see the mother in person, we always have a small recorder in our jacket pocket.  We make sure its prompt just right so that it catches everything that is said.
You can obtain the childs health records, to see if he had been to the doctor.  If the child is using your husbands insurance you can get that info easier.  If I'm not mistaken you can go to the doctors office with the proof of parentage and any court papers that will prove that he is the father and get info on the doctors visits.  We did!  Those things can be your proof that she lied!  Documentation is the key!  Remember to continue to research your own case and your rights.  Even though you have a lawyer, do your homework.  I'm doing mine too.   Sorry I wasn't able to give alot of advise regarding your matter, but sometimes it helps emotionally and mentally we you can talk and see that you are not the only one going through it.  Stay strong and I'll say a prayer for you guys!  Everything happens in divine order and for a reason.  It will all work out for the best.  Even when its not looking good, keep your head up!  Its hard but keep pushing forward. Don't give up!