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Messages - lelliott12

We have joint custody.  My x has residential and I have very liberal visitiation, minimum of every weekend.  

If it isnt my x that has the image up, it is someone unrelated to the child does that make a difference?

It is very frustrating, perhaps I am being over protective but you hear nightmare stories about this kind of stuff all the time.  My daughter's name is not on the image, but a comment posted under it has her name in it, and the location of the person who's site this is (home town) is also public knowledge, so there is obvious concern about creeps and how much information they can get.  The person who's site the image is on also lists where this person works and a number of their hang outs so it would be easy for someone to use that information for bad.  Like I said, this is possibly me being over protective but being that it isnt either parent that posted the image, I would hope there is some recourse.

Thanks for your help.  If there is something specific that might help me find an answer I can definitely give more information.  I dont know if it makes a difference as far as laws go but this is all under Illinois jurisdiction.

           I have a question and will take ANY advise. My x's new "significant other" has posted my kid's pictures on a public internet site. There is nothing inappropriate about the photos, and I am not jealous, I am just really uncomfortable with the pictures being up there. We had agreed a while back (as my x is a frequent flier on websites like MYSPACE.COM etc) that neither of us would post the kids pictures online...for safety reason. Now not only is the agreement broken but I have basically been told they do not intend to take the pictures down. Since I did not consent to the photos being up there is there anything I can do to get them taken down?

Any help would be appreciated.

It is actually up on that site.  Someone else posted a comment about how cute it is and mentioned my daughters name in the it sort of does.  It doesnt have an address linked to it but it does have the town she lives in half the time listed as the place of residence for the person who has the image on their profile.

Thanks for the help.  I contacted the person incharge of myspace about it as well, i am awaiting their response.  
I have a question and will take ANY advise.  My x's new "fling" has posted my kid's pictures on a public internet site.  There is nothing inappropriate about the photos, and I am not jealous, I am just really uncomfortable with the pictures being up there.  We had agreed a while back (as my x is a frequent flier on websites like MYSPACE.COM etc) that neither of us would post the kids pictures online...for safety reason.  Now not only is the agreement broken but I have basically been told they do not intend to take the pictures down.  Since I did not consent to the photos being up there is there anything I can do to get them taken down?

Any help would be appreciated.
