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Messages - j9valjean

General Issues / RE: Emancipation, please help.
Apr 28, 2007, 06:47:03 PM
I have searched high and low for a bank that offers checking accounts to minors without a parental cosigner with very unfruitful results. I am in strong doubt such things exist anymore. Neither of my parents can cosign on my account because of financial debt, totally destroyed credit and bankruptcies on both accounts. Because of owing money to a couple banks already, neither of them will (and I am not sure if they even could) cosign on an account with me without having an operational and debt free account of their own. I know the whole point of a cosigner is to prevent the overdrawing of money on the minor's part so the bank does not end up burnt. I do not have any other family members, or even friends for that matter that can or will sign for me. I suppose there is no point of going through this process when I will be eighteen in eight months, but I do not know of any other way to go about things, financially speaking. I have to pay a cell phone bill using a pay-as-you-go debit card (not sure what to call it), its very inconveniant. If what you say about this process being a very long one is right, I will pass it all up and wait it out. I make enough money to be able to spend on the emancipation, so I am not concerned with this. As far as my own place goes, I am planning on moving with the same boyfriend in Chicago, this time in an apartment he is signing the lease on (he is 19).
General Issues / Emancipation, please help.
Apr 28, 2007, 05:33:06 PM
I am seventeen, and will be turning eighteen this up and coming December. I hold a steady and full time job. I had been living with my boyfriend's family in Chicago since I was 15 (held a job the entire duration except for a couple months), and just recently moved back to Florida (where I am still a resident) for cheap school. I do live with my parents (who have both agreed to get me an emancipation), but provide my own food, clothing and everything else imaginable. I have just been confronted with paying rent. I need the emancipation to be able to have a checking account, so life is easier for me when I move back out, hopefully fully on my own. I am wondering what sort of "evidence" and information I need to get together and present. I am also wondering if I need to pay for a lawyer, or someone and, what I will have to do and how long this approximately takes. I am grateful for any information. Please respond via this thing or email: [email protected]
