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Messages - bri.lee514

Custody Issues / Hi Everyone
May 22, 2011, 10:04:36 PM

My ex is in a Rehab Center since she fell and broke her foot at home she has benign brain tumors but is slowly going down hill. I have obtained 40% visitation time since she has neglected my daughter in many areas. Now that she will be laid up in a nursing home rehab center for 2 or more months, What are my chances of obtaining full custody? She loves our daughter but her mental and Physical state is declining. She fell at her home and my daughter was unable to pick her up from the floor. Any suggestions?  I've been dropping off our 12 year old on her visitation days to see her Mom but now she's demanding to see our daughter on my days not to mention according to my daughter she verbalized that she wish my girlfriend and I were dead? Which stressed my daughter out. Anyway should I have my daughters conversation with her Mom on speaker phone since her mother verbal communications are so negative?

Visitation Issues / Lice and summer visitation
Jun 30, 2009, 07:47:45 AM
Need Feed back- For past 2 1/2 months during the time frame I do not see my daughter for 1 week she has returned to my Household with Lice. On my weekends I spend the time trying to eliminate the problem she goes back to her Mom lice free only to return again infested. I have spoken to her mother about this issue but she has not taken care of the problem. I have 6 week visitation every summer nothing is in the decree about allowing visitation with her mother. So guess what? On the first day of visitation (not seeing her for a week) she has lice again. I called her mother to advise she is not going back to her house until she cleans up her place. Her mother has cat puke on the carpets from many months ago(I've been in her place several times cat puke never cleaned up so in other words I think her environment is unclean) My question is when the NCP has their 6 weeks what is the rule of thumb for CP visitation access if nothing is stated in the decree?  What about this lice issue?  Should I call DHS or the Department of Health?


I'm trying to obtain additional visitation time with my 9 year old daughter.  For the past 4 years her mom has been late picking her up 36 times after school and 60 times late taking her to school and she lives only 3 blocks away. The school principal has sent the cops to her house on this matter a few times. Since our divorce she has been diagnosed with benign brain tumors which may contribute to this inconsistency.  On top of that my daughter is going to bed a 11:00pm  or later which my daughter reported joyously to me. Plus ex has lost her car. I have asked for additional time with my daughter but ex has refused. My daughter has requested additional time with me. Since she has lost her car I drop my daughter off and pick her up after school. What are the chances of me obtaining additional time? Right now I get the standard every other weekend. and every WED and 6 weeks summer. I'm looking to request extra visitation during the school year on my weekends keeping her on Sunday - taking her to school on Monday and seeing her every Mon Eve after her Mom's weekend.   I'm thinking with the extra time with my daughter she will more accountable for her actions since I will be in the picture more often. Any feedback is appreciated.