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Messages - eascusa

How is everyone? I have two important questions that I need answered. Please can
someone help me with the answer to these questions. The first one is, do I have
to pay child support to the children that were taken away from me. My parental
rights are gone
and full custody was given over to their Father who has plenty
of income. How can they take them away from you based on all lies, take all your
rights away and then force you to pay child support?? I don't even have a job.
O.K. second, when your child is in foster care or in my case he is with Grandpa,
my Dad, who is acting as a foster parent (who also can take care of him
financially on his own) HAVE TO receive cash assistance from welfare and the
foster care program in order to have him?
He said that HE HAS to collect $700.00
for my one son every month plus medical or they will take him away from him and
place him in a different home. This sounds crazy to me? I think my Dad is just saying this because he doesn't want to give up the money even though now I have to pay it back. I know that he has to
take him to the Dr. and all that and there fore have medi-cal insurance to help
pay the medical bills but does he have to take out or accept the cash aid
assistance for him? Thank you so much for being here when I need others around
and thanks for reading my post.