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Topics - MadMav

Hello all and Soc,

I've been reading through here for a bit, and have a quick question of my own.

My girlfriend has been divorced for 9 months now, and the ex is taking her back to court to contest a part of the decree. In the decree it is stated that he take on the marriage debt if she agreed to a slight decrease in child support. Now is contesting the marriage dept. As of now, the judge has not thrown it out, and the court date is fast approaching. Is there a reason for her to be concerned? This is in Wyoming. Thank you for your time, I am trying to help her as much as possible, because this will more than likely end up impacting me in the near future. The custody questions will likely come too. :(

Thank you,
Hello all!

Quick rundown....I am military and will be getting married in the near future, and I am wondering how to help my future wife deal with custody/visitation of her childeren when and if we get stationed overseas. She has primary costody, and she curently lives in the same town with her ex so he gets quite a bit of the childrens time now. He really doesn't care for the boys, he is quite vindictive and does things to just hurt her. She will be moving to my town(4 hours away), so we know that they have to go back to the mediator to amend vistation due to the distance. What are some usual visitation senerios for a situation like this? Mostly worried about overseas.

Thank you for your time,

My two step sons(9 &10) are being mentally and emotionally abused by there father (and stepmother) during his out of state visitation that happen every other weekend. The kids are going nuts and are starting to show physical signs of the mental pain they are going through. Wetting bed again, getting sick and throwing up due to the stress, lack of sleep and change of eating habits. They have told their counselor/child psychologist what their Dad and stepmom are doing to them and has been doing to them. The CPS didn't want to deal with it since it isn't physical/sexual abuse. I filed a report anyways and I am waiting to hear if they will asign a case worker. Anyways, my wife's lawyer is reluctant to do anything as we go to court for a redue of custody in Jun. These boys may not mentally or maybe even physically survive the next few months because of what is going on. The abuse and constant mental pressure the dad and his current wife are putting on the boys has gotten worse lately because of the upcoming court date. We cannot file a TRO due to lack of physical proof either. By no means is this just a recent thing though. What can our attorney do to prevent the kids from having to go through this? What can the attorney do to keep the kids out of that house until the court date? How can I get our lawyer to do anything on this? It's getting tough even though he is paid? Thanks for the help.