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Topics - Army Wife

My husband (J) is a cop and in the Army reserves. His ex-wife has a lot of money in the bank. She also lives with a man, so her household is a duel income. She has two kids (16, 14) from my husband, for which we pay child support. Every time J takes a tour, she takes us to court for more child support. The tour he is currently on is only 6 months long, yet she is now entitled to more than twice what we paid her previously. His children are considering private schools. Although we are proud, we cannot afford this on his cop's salary. His ex states we need to pay 1/2 and will fight us in court if necessary. I don't understand how she can get away with taking more money from us during these tours, and having us pay 1/2 of college, when her financial situation is so much better than ours. We have a child of our own, and I am concerned about her future. Isn't there a law that takes into account the mother's financial situation vs. the father's? He has another child to support, and has far less money than his ex does, yet every additional dime that comes in the door goes to her. Additionally, she refuses to take out life insurance on herself (which was court ordered), yet J has it with her as the beneficiary. She also refuses to pay for the kids' medical and dental insurance. That is all covered by us. Do we have any recourse here?