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Topics - winter

Dear Socrateaser / Custody investigator question
Jul 20, 2006, 03:05:47 PM
This seems like the right place to post this.

  Socrateaser,  I am in need of your advice on a Custody Ivestigator.  
In May SO and I were interviewed by the CI as per SO's request for one.  The set up seemed a little screwy to me:  Three interviews, one alone, one with children and then a follow up.  She never entered our home, never interviewed any of the people on the list she asked for.  She brought up each parents concerns about the other one, ( which I found very inappropriate, especially since she had been told about how volatile that situation could get on BM's part.)  and with that filed her report.

 My issue not only lies in the vagueness of this process but also the way that the report was so incredibly biased.  She reported how wonderful SO was with the children, how much the children liked me.  She reported how SO was very interactive and comfortable with the children.

  Then came the report on BM.  She reported that BM tried to discuss issues in front of children.  She reported that during the interview with the children how she ignored them and stared out the window and then let the 3 year old wet himself. She reported how it was just a slamfest on me and SO and she reported the BM needed counseling and parenting classes.

 Her recommendations were as follows:  Dad gets first three Saturdays of every month for 4 hours and every other holiday, until he takes parenting classes.  Mom gets sole custody of the children because of her ever deteriorating emotional state. They can share legal custody unless there are anymore child abuse allegations in which case Dad never gets to see them again.( We have had 57% custody for over a year now, in spite of her efforts to make SO out to be an abusive father 4 times)  

 This CI mixed up the boys names and information that we gave her about each.  She completely took BM's word for the fact that I was an exotic dancer, danced at SO bacholer party prior to marrying her, and that I didn't have custody of my children. None of which is true.  

 This person has recently terminated her employment and is not accessable as a witness.  What do we do about this report?  The hearing is in less then a month.  

P.S. We do have a attorney
I am new here and need some advice.  My SO and I are in a nasty custody battle with his ex-wife.  She is pretty obviously mentally unstable.  Is there any way to get a judge to make her have a psych evaluation before decideing on the custody arrangement